dbgate / dbgate

Database manager for MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, MongoDB, SQLite and others. Runs under Windows, Linux, Mac or as web application
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FEAT: Firebird RDBMS connection #326

Open mvillacis opened 1 year ago

mvillacis commented 1 year ago

I reviewed the documentation to be able to make a plug-in for the RDBMS Firebird, I know that there is a driver made in NodeJS for the connection with that RDBMS, but I have no idea how to complement the plug-in, could you help me with that requirement, it would be of great help and the community of Firebird Users would be very grateful for this valuable contribution

janproch commented 1 year ago

Great to hear this.

There is documentation for plugin development - https://dbgate.org/docs/plugin-development.html Also there is yeaoman wizard, which helps to create plugin skeleton: https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-dbgate

Driver plugin template is a bit outdated, I will update it tomorrow. I will also add information about driver plugins into documentation.

Which NPM module (nodejs firebird river) do you plan to use?

mvillacis commented 1 year ago

Thank a lot for your prompt response I am not an expert developer in NodeJS, I program in javascript what is necessary in Django with python.I plan to use https://github.com/xdenser/node-firebird-libfbclient , I hope to build the plug-in successfully, I know there is another driver in pure javascript at https://github.com/hgourvest/node-firebird Firebird has a very large community of users around the world, and I find that DBGate is a great database administration tool with many features and tools for data maintenance and can be very useful for programming the database itself in triggers and stored procedures

Thank you very much for your help

On Wednesday, July 20, 2022 at 03:18:53 PM GMT-5, Jan Prochazka @.***> wrote:

Great to hear this.

There is documentation for plugin development - https://dbgate.org/docs/plugin-development.html Also there is yeaoman wizard, which helps to create plugin skeleton: https://www.npmjs.com/package/generator-dbgate

Driver plugin template is a bit outdated, I will update it tomorrow. I will also add information about driver plugins into documentation.

Which NPM module (nodejs firebird river) do you plan to use?

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janproch commented 1 year ago

I have upgraded yeoman generator (docs here: https://github.com/dbgate/generator-dbgate)

Also I have added database driver plugin docs (https://dbgate.org/docs/plugin-development.html , at the end)

I recommend to use driver https://github.com/hgourvest/node-firebird , as it is pure JavaScript. Using https://github.com/xdenser/node-firebird-libfbclient will be much more complicated, as it used native dependencies. I don't know nithing about quality of these two packages, so I hope, that the first package will be good enough...

I would like to provide you any help with this