dbild / teen-open-leadership

This project is focused on adapting and modifying Mozilla's Open Leadership Training Series for a teen audience, specifically so that teens will be better equipped to launch and carry out collaborative inquiry projects and work in the open. The primary focus is projects that don't involve much (if any) code
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Teen-facing description of working in the open #4

Open dbild opened 7 years ago

dbild commented 7 years ago

Teen-facing description of working in the open (be able to convey what working in the open means and the benefits)

dbild commented 7 years ago

Resource to review https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0Bzgj-BErISzfZHp0cWxfanFLWVk

PikioopSo commented 7 years ago

@dbild, how are you doing. I was wondering what kind of help you needed with this issue.

I was thinking of maybe some sort of interactive game where they are forced to learn to work together and build skills as a team.

dbild commented 7 years ago

@PiReel I'm trying to source ideas for different ways to convey working in the open benefits and practices. I really like the idea of an interactive game but I don't have any real experience with game design. Are you think of an online game or in person game? (...I guess I do have experience with in person team building activities)

PikioopSo commented 7 years ago

I think that this discussion may coincide well with a couple different issues related to the discourse forum and game making both online and offline.

I have been writing a story line for a cartoon made with Blender and Pi Reel. That's as far as my own experience takes me. I am hoping to participate and learn from the cryptomancer challenge which is going to be at the mozsprint event. What do you think of that as a place to start?

As far as online team building @dunebuggie and myself were discussing using the discourse forum chat to build online team building skills by challenging Mozilla Clubs and their students to go out on the forum and find somebody from a differenent country and become "pen pal" collaborators.

jvallera commented 7 years ago

Hi @dbild this interview may give you some ideas. Caitlin co-founded a Hackathon that Mozilla Hive helped sponsor last year called Defhacks() She did a lot of work to gain interest in working open leading up to the hackathon.

dbild commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for sharing @jvallera

I'm going to start compiling all of these other existing resources (beyond OLT) that speak to working in the open (particularly non-code based projects)

dbild commented 7 years ago

Started a google doc for this https://docs.google.com/document/d/13ybnhffO0vr56wDAzqX9oUgyk4dNMSYEKj6RmqCz4x0/edit?usp=sharing (Connected to this issu https://github.com/dbild/teen-open-leadership/issues/7 )