Closed IamPiter1 closed 3 years ago
will this be added to the main code later in the future? it will be very helpful
It is in the backlog. Not sure on a timeline right now.
alr 👍
will it be a good idea to put the f10, f11, and f12 in the if else statement, as that's a non permanent solution i found for the f10, f11, and f12 also activating the f1 key
Are there particular intentional limits to ducky script, or would it be ok to extend it to recognize any key in the Keycode module ? You'd still need to convert some codes that are not identical to the ones in Keycode, but you could do something like this, which would support F1-F24 among other things.
NOTE: it would also fix finding the letter " C"
for example.
duckyConvert = {
def convertLine(line):
newline = []
for word in line.split(" "):
type_word = word.upper()
if type_word in duckyConvert:
type_word = duckyConvert[type_word]
if hasattr(Keycode, type_word): # accepts any valid entry in Keycode.
newline.append(getattr(Keycode, type_word))
print(f"Unknown key: <{type_word}>")
return newline
I have modified code a little bit, adding function keys, but only F1-F9 are working, F10, 11 and 12 are recognized as F1, Please help someone <3
`import usb_hid from adafruit_hid.keyboard import Keyboard from adafruit_hid.keyboard_layout_us import KeyboardLayoutUS from adafruit_hid.keycode import Keycode import time import digitalio from board import *
duckyCommands = ["WINDOWS", "GUI", "APP", "MENU", "SHIFT", "ALT", "CONTROL", "CTRL", "DOWNARROW", "DOWN", "LEFTARROW", "LEFT", "RIGHTARROW", "RIGHT", "UPARROW", "UP", "BREAK", "PAUSE", "CAPSLOCK", "DELETE", "END", "ESC", "ESCAPE", "HOME", "INSERT", "NUMLOCK", "PAGEUP", "PAGEDOWN", "PRINTSCREEN", "SCROLLLOCK", "SPACE", "TAB", "ENTER", " a", " b", " c", " d", " e", " f", " g", " h", " i", " j", " k", " l", " m", " n", " o", " p", " q", " r", " s", " t", " u", " v", " w", " x", " y", " z", " A", " B", " C", " D", " E", " F", " G", " H", " I", " J", " K", " L", " M", " N", " O", " P", " Q", " R", " S", " T", " U", " V", " W", " X", " Y", " Z", "F1", "F2", "F3", "F4", "F5", "F6", "F7", "F8", "F9", "F10", "F11", "F12"]
keycodeCommands = [Keycode.WINDOWS, Keycode.GUI, Keycode.APPLICATION, Keycode.APPLICATION, Keycode.SHIFT, Keycode.ALT, Keycode.CONTROL, Keycode.CONTROL, Keycode.DOWN_ARROW, Keycode.DOWN_ARROW ,Keycode.LEFT_ARROW, Keycode.LEFT_ARROW, Keycode.RIGHT_ARROW, Keycode.RIGHT_ARROW, Keycode.UP_ARROW, Keycode.UP_ARROW, Keycode.PAUSE, Keycode.PAUSE, Keycode.CAPS_LOCK, Keycode.DELETE, Keycode.END, Keycode.ESCAPE, Keycode.ESCAPE, Keycode.HOME, Keycode.INSERT, Keycode.KEYPAD_NUMLOCK, Keycode.PAGE_UP, Keycode.PAGE_DOWN, Keycode.PRINT_SCREEN, Keycode.SCROLL_LOCK, Keycode.SPACE, Keycode.TAB, Keycode.ENTER, Keycode.A, Keycode.B, Keycode.C, Keycode.D, Keycode.E, Keycode.F, Keycode.G, Keycode.H, Keycode.I, Keycode.J, Keycode.K, Keycode.L, Keycode.M, Keycode.N, Keycode.O, Keycode.P, Keycode.Q, Keycode.R, Keycode.S, Keycode.T, Keycode.U, Keycode.V, Keycode.W, Keycode.X, Keycode.Y, Keycode.Z, Keycode.A, Keycode.B, Keycode.C, Keycode.D, Keycode.E, Keycode.F, Keycode.G, Keycode.H, Keycode.I, Keycode.J, Keycode.K, Keycode.L, Keycode.M, Keycode.N, Keycode.O, Keycode.P, Keycode.Q, Keycode.R, Keycode.S, Keycode.T, Keycode.U, Keycode.V, Keycode.W, Keycode.X, Keycode.Y, Keycode.Z, Keycode.F1, Keycode.F2, Keycode.F3, Keycode.F4, Keycode.F5, Keycode.F6, Keycode.F7, Keycode.F8, Keycode.F9, Keycode.F10, Keycode.F11, Keycode.F12]
def convertLine(line): newline = [] print(line) for j in range(len(keycodeCommands)): if line.find(duckyCommands[j]) != -1: newline.append(keycodeCommands[j]) print(newline) return newline
def runScriptLine(line): for k in line: kbd.release_all() return
def sendString(line): layout.write(line) return
def parseLine(line): if(line[0:3] == "REM"):
comments - ignore
kbd = Keyboard(usb_hid.devices) layout = KeyboardLayoutUS(kbd)