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Pythius The Rotten Quest not working #1561

Closed Zeotix closed 9 years ago

Zeotix commented 9 years ago

the npc Pythius The Rotten.lua have problem in the line 51 of golden mug elseif msgcontains(msg, "golden mug") then if npcHandler.topic[cid] == 4 then <<<<<< in the npchandler.topic must be == 5 then

and the mission when you use the pick on the rock, the lava is not transformed and the portal does not close: pithus the rotten

also makes a missing creatureEvent if you kill the Pythius The Rotten nothing happens you get caught in the mission.The emergency exit portal is wrong teleports you to the portal that opens out and that causes them to make another Pythius The Rotten and other more and more each time you try out

I apologize for my English do my best to try to help and look for errors. thanks

dbjorkholm commented 9 years ago

Can you verify if these changes works properly or not?

Zeotix commented 9 years ago

I did a test okay to start but when you end up killing Pythius The Rotten do not teleport to the other side which is chest just missing it now... i have this script for creatureevent change this for tfs 1.0/1.1:

function onKill(cid, target, damage, flags) if(isMonster(target)) then if(string.lower(getCreatureName(target)) == "pythius the rotten") then doTeleportThing(cid, {x=32577, y=31403, z=15}) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doCreatureSay(target, "NICE FIGHTING LITTLE WORM, YOUR VICTORY SHALL BE REWARDED!", TALKTYPE_ORANGE_1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, 12609, 3) end end return true end