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RL tibia update 10.50 new shared experience #877

Closed att3 closed 10 years ago

att3 commented 10 years ago

I was reading the news at tibia.com and I saw that they had improved the shared-experience system.

Despite all the other updates I thought that this shared-experience bonus could be somewhat easily added without source modifications.

Current (new) shared experience bonus: Shared experience: 20% (for all combinations) plus 2 different vocations 10% 3 different vocations 40% 4 different vocations 80%

So this would lead to an increased total of:

30% for 2 different vocations in your party 60% for 3 different vocations in your party 100% for 4 different vocations in your party

I think this idea is great, less ppl want to solo hunt and this will almost force ppl to team hunt more and bring more ppl to hunt.


--> Well.. didn't go as well as thought.. Currently: function onKill(cid, target, lastHit) local monster = Monster(target) if not monster then return true end

for id, damage in pairs(monster:getDamageMap()) do local player = Player(id) local party = player:getParty() local membe = player:getVocation():getId() local leader = party:getLeader() local experience = monster:getType():getExperience() local member = leader:getParty():getMembers() local expFormula = (experience * 500.50) if player then if party:isSharedExperienceActive() then if Player(cid):getParty():getMemberCount() == 1 then if membe == 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 then if player leader:addExperience(math.floor(expFormula), true) for i = 1,party:getMemberCount() do member[i]:addExperience(math.floor(expFormula), true) end end end
end end end end

aaaand Im lost. If anyone else can't "fix" this issue, I will continue tomorrow.

EPuncker commented 10 years ago

I think it need to be done source side because of the same problem as its not possible to have "more exp for premium/vip players", I lost the topic link but @ninjalulz was one who tried to do it

att3 commented 10 years ago

What do you mean? I think that it is possible to give bonus experience for premium players. just player:getPremiumDays() >= 1 then

Lemme try to write bonus exp for premium players just for test

EPuncker commented 10 years ago

that is not what I mean, I mean that the calculated exp from killing monsters with bonus is not properly given

att3 commented 10 years ago

ah ok, I will open an issue at otland/forgottenserver.

I can't figure how to write it in lua, and if its not even possible(atm) I think you can close this issue.

EPuncker commented 10 years ago

http://otland.net/threads/tfs-1-0-bonus-experience.213296/ =P