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Advice for junior developers in general #11

Open dblock opened 9 years ago

dblock commented 9 years ago

Related to #8. This would be a response to this email:

I stumbled across your post on http://betabeat.com/2011/06/moving-to-new-york-city-a-software-engineers-guide/ and while it’s a few years old now I agree with many of the points you make.

It seems your post is more for established software engineers in more experienced or senior positions but perhaps you would have some advice for me as I still find much of what you said is relevant to software engineers of all levels.

As a recent Computer Science/Software Engineering graduate, with only a years worth of professional experience. I’m looking to move to NYC to pursue a career as a software engineer but am finding it quite complicated due to the lack of quality postings and lack of postings for more junior or entry-level candidates. I don’t mind entering the startup space as I’ve worked in the big slow-moving corporate environment and would like a change from that, but it seems even startups don’t often have entry-level postings.


P.S. I’m considering applying under Artsy’s “Student Opportunities” section, but I’m not sure if I’m the target as I’m no longer a student, which brings us full circle in the employment catch-22 of too experienced for student postings, too inexperienced for full-time postings.

dblock commented 9 years ago

What would make my application stand out when I apply to an junior dev position when it opens up at Artsy?

ladanazita commented 9 years ago

I'm currently in Los Angeles (where I finished General Assembly), and left NYC to learn programming full time. I am in the process of moving cities, and I am between returning to NYC or moving to San Francisco. A company like Artsy would have me moving to NYC again in a heartbeat.

In the mean time, do you have any general advice for a young padawan programmer? What would make my application stand out when I apply to an junior dev position when it opens up at Artsy?