dbmi-pitt / DIKB-Micropublication

Micropublication and Open Data Annotation for drug-drug interaction evidence synthesis
Apache License 2.0
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extra insertion of owl:NamedIndividual #25

Closed jodischneider closed 9 years ago

jodischneider commented 9 years ago

Extra unwanted owl:NamedIndividual's are being inserted when the reasoner is run to infer that evidence types are subclasses of data and methods.

samuelrosko commented 9 years ago

These are not extra owl:NamedIndividuals. It is necessary to have an owl:NamedIndividual for every drug ingredient (from ChEBI) and enzyme (from PRO) that is referenced in the mp:Claims or the np:Assertions.

This is especially necessary because these owl:NamedIndividuals are what are used in the property chains for inference as designed by Mathias. This is an example of the alprazolam owl:NamedIndividual included in his Dideo_ISWC_Test.owl on the DIDEO Github:

<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="&obo;CHEBI_2611">
    <rdf:type rdf:resource="&obo;CHEBI_24431"/>
    <rdfs:label xml:lang="en">alprazolam</rdfs:label>
    <obo:RO_0002449 rdf:resource="&obo;PR_000006130"/>