dbmi-pitt / dbmi-annotator

based on annotator.js, an annotation framework enable user account and annotation permission management and templating annotation plugin in biomedical domain.
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[RDF Translation] should obo:RO_0000051 be obo:BFO_0000051? #231

Open rkboyce opened 6 years ago

rkboyce commented 6 years ago

I noticed that the RO entity referred to below does not seem to be present in the current release of RO - should it actually the BFO entity below?

## bearer of: precipitant drug role
map:precipitant_bearer_role_of a d2rq:PropertyBridge;
    d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:BearerPrecipitantRole;
    d2rq:property obo:RO_0000051;
    d2rq:uriSqlExpression "CONCAT('http://dikb.org/precipitant-drug-role/', ohdsi.rdf_mp_claim_qualifier.p_drug_role_urn)";

## has_part scattered molecular aggregate
map:precipitant_bearer_of a d2rq:PropertyBridge;
        d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:BearerPrecipitantRole;
        d2rq:property obo:BFO_0000051;
    d2rq:uriSqlExpression "CONCAT('http://dikb.org/p-scattered-molecular-aggregate/', ohdsi.rdf_mp_claim_qualifier.p_scattered_molecular_aggregate_urn)";