dboeni / home-assistant-ampere-storage-pro

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Not an issue but a hint: User Modbus when possible #1

Open fsedarkalex opened 2 months ago

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago


I wanted to say thanks for figuring this out!

Also I got a hint from the installer that the iQ-Box seems to report false values sometimes and I can confirm that. Yesterday the iQ-Box reported nearly double the energy coming from PV compared to the AMPERE HOME App.

It seems like the averaging does still do stupid things.

For now we should focus on the storage itself, keeping iQ in mind for the future. That whole HEMS/iQ thing is still under development as it seems... They sell it as an open platform with many features but nothing is available right now (I did not even get a password to log in) Hopefully this will grow to a cool platform. Meanwhile I'll do all my optimizations using HA.

dboeni commented 2 months ago


Thank you.

I have already started to write an integration for home assistant. In this I read out the inverter directly via modbus. It is currently still in a very basic version.


Greetings David

dboeni commented 2 months ago

I currently only use the total grid information from IQ for Home Assistant. Unfortunately, I can't currently find the registers in modbus. I'm looking hard :-)

I currently get all other values from my own integration.

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

I contacted EKD becaus when they sold the system to me, they said they have an API, so I requested docs from them. If I get something useful, I'll report back!

dboeni commented 2 months ago

I also tried EKD, but always received a rejection.

But maybe you'll have more luck.

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

@dboeni IDK if that helps but the aSP is a rebranded SAJ unit as far as I know.


fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

I did some research. Seems like we are having "SAJ HS2" series devices.

I found this on github: https://github.com/stanus74/home-assistant-saj-h2-modbus/blob/main/saj-h2-modbus.zip

Seems like this zip file contains documentation for modbus,t oo with much more detaila nd registers. It seems to also include the powermeter registers.

Maybe we/you can even adopt code from that module https://github.com/stanus74/home-assistant-saj-h2-modbus/

EDIT: This doc is for single phase inverters... IDK if that actually help.s But I also requested docs for our model (which I think it is) from SAJ. MAybe they are more open to this :D

dboeni commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the information. I know the document and the git-repro and have looked at it. I have taken many registers from the saj-h2 and also found some myself. I have already successfully incorporated these into my integration. (https://github.com/dboeni/home-assistant-ampere-storage-pro-modbus) Maybe I'll manage to incorporate them here at the weekend.

Note: I have the feeling that the more data is loaded via the modbus yaml file, the slower Home Assistant becomes.

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

I am actually using the HA component.I just wanted to keep the information together so posting this here. Would you rather like a new issue over there?

bierma1966 commented 2 months ago

@dboeni @fsedarkalex Thx for your research. I have also a AmpereStorage Pro system from EKD ( erfolglose kommunikation Deutschland ) The support and is really bad, never become answers of emails or phone calls.

Yes , AmpereStoragePro is the same as SAJ HS2 5-10T2 all in one System. My Battery package and 3 Phase inverter are in white color as the SAJ one.only the Brand is changed to Ampere.

I will also connect my Plant to HA and found your post today.

My Plant is AmpereStorage Pro with 20kwh Battery and a Wallbox Ampere charge ( original Brand Weidmüller ) . with out Ampere IQ.

Can one of you post also some image where are the Modbus are connected on your Devices ? The for you feedback and you work what you have done.

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

This is not RS485 but modbus over TCP. It works through your network. But maybe the feature is disabled if you don't have the IQ Box

bierma1966 commented 2 months ago

Where is the Network Kabel connected which goes to AmpereIQ box.

What is the IQ box. So far is I know it is an smartmeter ( Brand Kiri )with a network hub

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

no the smartmeter must be connected to the ASP somehow. The IQ box is a small device, round about the size of a cigarette box, which has some different bus connectors and an enthernet connector. Mine is only connected to ethernet.

The ASP has its network port somewhere on the right side, but that should be already connected as else they can not manage the device.

bierma1966 commented 2 months ago

Thx, for your feedback , so it goes only the Network Cable to your USB / AIO Device. My AIO is connected per WiFi to my Router.

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

What do you mean by USB/AIO device?

bierma1966 commented 2 months ago

That is an Dongle on your ride side , with that you can connect to the inverter per Bluetooth / WiFi or per Network Cable.. Also you have on your ride side under an cover 6 RJ45 connectors for RS485 Can bus and 2. Battery connection.

fsedarkalex commented 2 months ago

I haven't looked at it exactly to be honest. The elcetricians connected the device to the network ports I assigned them, and it works so far :D

But tbh I am not very happy with EKD right now. I experienced the same as you do. On top all those iq-Box promises made (heat pump optimization etc) are not available yet - but they didn't tell that when selling their crap to me.

Don't get me wrong, the ASP is perfroming well (except it always stops discharging at 20%) but their customer support is shit. If that keeps going on this way, I'll probably try to get my money back regarding the service packages and make them give me admin access to the device I OWN. (In my opinion not handing out admin creds to a device you bought should be prohibited by law btw)