dbohdan / compilers-targeting-c

A list of compilers that can generate C code
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Algol60 to C #87

Open gtoal opened 1 year ago

gtoal commented 1 year ago

Two different A60 to C systems:



(btw there are a few work-in-progress translators to C for a language in the Algol style, "Imp", but none currently fully working - I'll post when we have a release that is usable. I also have a crude "Atlas Autocode" to C translator, but it was written to convert one single program - the Imp compiler for the KDF9 - and is also not really release-worthy yet).

Amendment: a third one: http://www.algol60.org/15algolwcomp.htm

────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── AWE: an Algol W compiler ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Awe is a new compiler for the Algol W language. It is intended to to be a correct and complete implementation of the language described in the Algol W Language Description, June 1972.

Awe should be able to compile code intended for the System/360 ALGOLW and XALGOLW compilers with little or no modification.

Awe uses Gnu C (with its extensions) as an intermediate language. It allows Algol W programs to be linked to C object code.