dbolya / yolact

A simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
MIT License
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eval.py issue #311

Open uni23 opened 4 years ago

uni23 commented 4 years ago

When I try to use following command on anaconda prompt, it does not work well. What's the problem?

I installed python 3.7.3, CUDA 10.2, cuDNN 7.3.0 (to suit my environment), anaconda. Also git Bash to download COCO dataset.

I followed installation on this website correctly (I guess), to "sh data/scripts/COCO_test.sh" sentence. (There was no error)

However if I try to execute eval.py, there is error :


(base) C:\Users\Ai\yolactNew\yolact>python eval.py --trained_model=weights/yolact_base_54_800000.pth Config not specified. Parsed yolact_base_config from the file name.

loading annotations into memory... Done (t=1.11s) creating index... index created! Loading model... Done.

Traceback (most recent call last): File "eval.py", line 1105, in evaluate(net, dataset) File "eval.py", line 949, in evaluate preds = net(batch) File "C:\Users\Ai\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\modules\module.py", line 489, in call result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "C:\Users\Ai\yolactNew\yolact\yolact.py", line 676, in forward return self.detect(pred_outs, self) File "C:\Users\Ai\yolactNew\yolact\layers\functions\detection.py", line 71, in call result = self.detect(batch_idx, conf_preds, decoded_boxes, mask_data, inst_data) File "C:\Users\Ai\yolactNew\yolact\layers\functions\detection.py", line 101, in detect boxes, masks, classes, scores = self.fast_nms(boxes, masks, scores, self.nms_thresh, self.top_k) File "C:\Users\Ai\yolactNew\yolact\layers\functions\detection.py", line 149, in fastnms iou.triu(diagonal=1) RuntimeError: invalid argument 1: expected a matrix at c:\a\w\1\s\tmp_conda_3.7_061434\conda\conda-bld\pytorch_1544163540495\work\aten\src\thc\generic/THCTensorMathPairwise.cu:203

dbolya commented 4 years ago

Your pytorch version is not high enough (you have version 1.0.0 judging by that error, while 1.0.1 is the minimum version required). Did you install the requirements through the environment.yml or is this your own environment?

You should be able to fix this by simply updating Pytorch.