dbolya / yolact

A simple, fully convolutional model for real-time instance segmentation.
MIT License
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Can't reduce training speed (HELP) #657

Closed MiguelAngeloMartinsRibeiro closed 3 years ago

MiguelAngeloMartinsRibeiro commented 3 years ago

So I wanna reduce my training speed. I need to reduce to at least 1 day.

I started with a dataset of 25000 images 550x550 pixels, and it gave me an ETA of 6 days, then I reduced the dataset to around 9000 images but I got the same ETA. This reduction was supposed to reduce the ETA, no?

So after this I tried to change the settings on config.py, to be more precise the max_iterations one and I set it to 1 to see the difference. What can I do to reduce it?

I'm using a batch-size of 6 cause I get the cuda error (out of memory) if I use 8. I've a Nvidia gtx 2070 and this is my config.py file

from backbone import ResNetBackbone, VGGBackbone, ResNetBackboneGN, DarkNetBackbone from math import sqrt import torch

for making bounding boxes pretty

COLORS = ((244, 67, 54), (233, 30, 99), (156, 39, 176), (103, 58, 183), ( 63, 81, 181), ( 33, 150, 243), ( 3, 169, 244), ( 0, 188, 212), ( 0, 150, 136), ( 76, 175, 80), (139, 195, 74), (205, 220, 57), (255, 235, 59), (255, 193, 7), (255, 152, 0), (255, 87, 34), (121, 85, 72), (158, 158, 158), ( 96, 125, 139))

These are in BGR and are for ImageNet

MEANS = (103.94, 116.78, 123.68) STD = (57.38, 57.12, 58.40)


----------------------- CONFIG CLASS -----------------------

class Config(object): """ Holds the configuration for anything you want it to. To get the currently active config, call get_cfg().

To use, just do cfg.x instead of cfg['x'].
I made this because doing cfg['x'] all the time is dumb.

def __init__(self, config_dict):
    for key, val in config_dict.items():
        self.__setattr__(key, val)

def copy(self, new_config_dict={}):
    Copies this config into a new config object, making
    the changes given by new_config_dict.

    ret = Config(vars(self))

    for key, val in new_config_dict.items():
        ret.__setattr__(key, val)

    return ret

def replace(self, new_config_dict):
    Copies new_config_dict into this config object.
    Note: new_config_dict can also be a config object.
    if isinstance(new_config_dict, Config):
        new_config_dict = vars(new_config_dict)

    for key, val in new_config_dict.items():
        self.__setattr__(key, val)

def print(self):
    for k, v in vars(self).items():
        print(k, ' = ', v)

----------------------- DATASETS -----------------------

dataset_base = Config({ 'name': 'Base Dataset',

# Training images and annotations
'train_images': './data/coco/images/',
'train_info':   'path_to_annotation_file',

# Validation images and annotations.
'valid_images': './data/coco/images/',
'valid_info':   'path_to_annotation_file',

# Whether or not to load GT. If this is False, eval.py quantitative evaluation won't work.
'has_gt': True,

# A list of names for each of you classes.
'class_names': BLENDERCLASSES,

# COCO class ids aren't sequential, so this is a bandage fix. If your ids aren't sequential,
# provide a map from category_id -> index in class_names + 1 (the +1 is there because it's 1-indexed).
# If not specified, this just assumes category ids start at 1 and increase sequentially.
'label_map': None


BlenderSet550 = dataset_base.copy({ 'name': 'BlenderSet550',

'train_images': './data/datasets/myDataset550p/Images14/',
'train_info':   './data/datasets/myDataset550p/Images14.json',

'valid_images': './data/datasets/myDataset550p/Images14/',
'valid_info':   './data/datasets/myDataset550p/Images14.json',

'has_gt': True,

'class_names': BLENDERCLASSES,

'label_map': None


----------------------- TRANSFORMS -----------------------

resnet_transform = Config({ 'channel_order': 'RGB', 'normalize': True, 'subtract_means': False, 'to_float': False, })

vgg_transform = Config({

Note that though vgg is traditionally BGR,

# the channel order of vgg_reducedfc.pth is RGB.
'channel_order': 'RGB',
'normalize': False,
'subtract_means': True,
'to_float': False,


darknet_transform = Config({ 'channel_order': 'RGB', 'normalize': False, 'subtract_means': False, 'to_float': True, })

----------------------- BACKBONES -----------------------

backbone_base = Config({ 'name': 'Base Backbone', 'path': 'path/to/pretrained/weights', 'type': object, 'args': tuple(), 'transform': resnet_transform,

'selected_layers': list(),
'pred_scales': list(),
'pred_aspect_ratios': list(),

'use_pixel_scales': False,
'preapply_sqrt': True,
'use_square_anchors': False,


resnet101_backbone = backbone_base.copy({ 'name': 'ResNet101', 'path': 'resnet101_reducedfc.pth', 'type': ResNetBackbone, 'args': ([3, 4, 23, 3],), 'transform': resnet_transform,

'selected_layers': list(range(2, 8)),
'pred_scales': [[1]]*6,
'pred_aspect_ratios': [ [[0.66685089, 1.7073535, 0.87508774, 1.16524493, 0.49059086]] ] * 6,


resnet101_gn_backbone = backbone_base.copy({ 'name': 'ResNet101_GN', 'path': 'R-101-GN.pkl', 'type': ResNetBackboneGN, 'args': ([3, 4, 23, 3],), 'transform': resnet_transform,

'selected_layers': list(range(2, 8)),
'pred_scales': [[1]]*6,
'pred_aspect_ratios': [ [[0.66685089, 1.7073535, 0.87508774, 1.16524493, 0.49059086]] ] * 6,


resnet101_dcn_inter3_backbone = resnet101_backbone.copy({ 'name': 'ResNet101_DCN_Interval3', 'args': ([3, 4, 23, 3], [0, 4, 23, 3], 3), })

resnet50_backbone = resnet101_backbone.copy({ 'name': 'ResNet50', 'path': 'resnet50-19c8e357.pth', 'type': ResNetBackbone, 'args': ([3, 4, 6, 3],), 'transform': resnet_transform, })

resnet50_dcnv2_backbone = resnet50_backbone.copy({ 'name': 'ResNet50_DCNv2', 'args': ([3, 4, 6, 3], [0, 4, 6, 3]), })

darknet53_backbone = backbone_base.copy({ 'name': 'DarkNet53', 'path': 'darknet53.pth', 'type': DarkNetBackbone, 'args': ([1, 2, 8, 8, 4],), 'transform': darknet_transform,

'selected_layers': list(range(3, 9)),
'pred_scales': [[3.5, 4.95], [3.6, 4.90], [3.3, 4.02], [2.7, 3.10], [2.1, 2.37], [1.8, 1.92]],
'pred_aspect_ratios': [ [[1, sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3)][:n], [1]] for n in [3, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3] ],


vgg16_arch = [[64, 64], [ 'M', 128, 128], [ 'M', 256, 256, 256], [('M', {'kernel_size': 2, 'stride': 2, 'ceil_mode': True}), 512, 512, 512], [ 'M', 512, 512, 512], [('M', {'kernel_size': 3, 'stride': 1, 'padding': 1}), (1024, {'kernel_size': 3, 'padding': 6, 'dilation': 6}), (1024, {'kernel_size': 1})]]

vgg16_backbone = backbone_base.copy({ 'name': 'VGG16', 'path': 'vgg16_reducedfc.pth', 'type': VGGBackbone, 'args': (vgg16_arch, [(256, 2), (128, 2), (128, 1), (128, 1)], [3]), 'transform': vgg_transform,

'selected_layers': [3] + list(range(5, 10)),
'pred_scales': [[5, 4]]*6,
'pred_aspect_ratios': [ [[1], [1, sqrt(2), 1/sqrt(2), sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3)][:n]] for n in [3, 5, 5, 5, 3, 3] ],


----------------------- MASK BRANCH TYPES -----------------------

mask_type = Config({

Direct produces masks directly as the output of each pred module.

# This is denoted as fc-mask in the paper.
# Parameters: mask_size, use_gt_bboxes
'direct': 0,

# Lincomb produces coefficients as the output of each pred module then uses those coefficients
# to linearly combine features from a prototype network to create image-sized masks.
# Parameters:
#   - masks_to_train (int): Since we're producing (near) full image masks, it'd take too much
#                           vram to backprop on every single mask. Thus we select only a subset.
#   - mask_proto_src (int): The input layer to the mask prototype generation network. This is an
#                           index in backbone.layers. Use to use the image itself instead.
#   - mask_proto_net (list<tuple>): A list of layers in the mask proto network with the last one
#                                   being where the masks are taken from. Each conv layer is in
#                                   the form (num_features, kernel_size, **kwdargs). An empty
#                                   list means to use the source for prototype masks. If the
#                                   kernel_size is negative, this creates a deconv layer instead.
#                                   If the kernel_size is negative and the num_features is None,
#                                   this creates a simple bilinear interpolation layer instead.
#   - mask_proto_bias (bool): Whether to include an extra coefficient that corresponds to a proto
#                             mask of all ones.
#   - mask_proto_prototype_activation (func): The activation to apply to each prototype mask.
#   - mask_proto_mask_activation (func): After summing the prototype masks with the predicted
#                                        coeffs, what activation to apply to the final mask.
#   - mask_proto_coeff_activation (func): The activation to apply to the mask coefficients.
#   - mask_proto_crop (bool): If True, crop the mask with the predicted bbox during training.
#   - mask_proto_crop_expand (float): If cropping, the percent to expand the cropping bbox by
#                                     in each direction. This is to make the model less reliant
#                                     on perfect bbox predictions.
#   - mask_proto_loss (str [l1|disj]): If not None, apply an l1 or disjunctive regularization
#                                      loss directly to the prototype masks.
#   - mask_proto_binarize_downsampled_gt (bool): Binarize GT after dowsnampling during training?
#   - mask_proto_normalize_mask_loss_by_sqrt_area (bool): Whether to normalize mask loss by sqrt(sum(gt))
#   - mask_proto_reweight_mask_loss (bool): Reweight mask loss such that background is divided by
#                                           #background and foreground is divided by #foreground.
#   - mask_proto_grid_file (str): The path to the grid file to use with the next option.
#                                 This should be a numpy.dump file with shape [numgrids, h, w]
#                                 where h and w are w.r.t. the mask_proto_src convout.
#   - mask_proto_use_grid (bool): Whether to add extra grid features to the proto_net input.
#   - mask_proto_coeff_gate (bool): Add an extra set of sigmoided coefficients that is multiplied
#                                   into the predicted coefficients in order to "gate" them.
#   - mask_proto_prototypes_as_features (bool): For each prediction module, downsample the prototypes
#                                 to the convout size of that module and supply the prototypes as input
#                                 in addition to the already supplied backbone features.
#   - mask_proto_prototypes_as_features_no_grad (bool): If the above is set, don't backprop gradients to
#                                 to the prototypes from the network head.
#   - mask_proto_remove_empty_masks (bool): Remove masks that are downsampled to 0 during loss calculations.
#   - mask_proto_reweight_coeff (float): The coefficient to multiple the forground pixels with if reweighting.
#   - mask_proto_coeff_diversity_loss (bool): Apply coefficient diversity loss on the coefficients so that the same
#                                             instance has similar coefficients.
#   - mask_proto_coeff_diversity_alpha (float): The weight to use for the coefficient diversity loss.
#   - mask_proto_normalize_emulate_roi_pooling (bool): Normalize the mask loss to emulate roi pooling's affect on loss.
#   - mask_proto_double_loss (bool): Whether to use the old loss in addition to any special new losses.
#   - mask_proto_double_loss_alpha (float): The alpha to weight the above loss.
#   - mask_proto_split_prototypes_by_head (bool): If true, this will give each prediction head its own prototypes.
#   - mask_proto_crop_with_pred_box (bool): Whether to crop with the predicted box or the gt box.
'lincomb': 1,


----------------------- ACTIVATION FUNCTIONS -----------------------

activation_func = Config({ 'tanh': torch.tanh, 'sigmoid': torch.sigmoid, 'softmax': lambda x: torch.nn.functional.softmax(x, dim=-1), 'relu': lambda x: torch.nn.functional.relu(x, inplace=True), 'none': lambda x: x, })

----------------------- FPN DEFAULTS -----------------------

fpn_base = Config({

The number of features to have in each FPN layer

'num_features': 256,

# The upsampling mode used
'interpolation_mode': 'bilinear',

# The number of extra layers to be produced by downsampling starting at P5
'num_downsample': 1,

# Whether to down sample with a 3x3 stride 2 conv layer instead of just a stride 2 selection
'use_conv_downsample': False,

# Whether to pad the pred layers with 1 on each side (I forgot to add this at the start)
# This is just here for backwards compatibility
'pad': True,

# Whether to add relu to the downsampled layers.
'relu_downsample_layers': False,

# Whether to add relu to the regular layers
'relu_pred_layers': True,


----------------------- CONFIG DEFAULTS -----------------------

coco_base_config = Config({ 'dataset': BlenderSet550, 'num_classes': 2, # This should include the background class

'max_iter': 1,

# The maximum number of detections for evaluation
'max_num_detections': 10,

# dw' = momentum * dw - lr * (grad + decay * w)
'lr': 1e-3,
'momentum': 0.9,
'decay': 5e-4,

# For each lr step, what to multiply the lr with
'gamma': 0.1,
'lr_steps': (70000, 150000, 175000, 187500),

# Initial learning rate to linearly warmup from (if until > 0)
'lr_warmup_init': 1e-4,

# If > 0 then increase the lr linearly from warmup_init to lr each iter for until iters
'lr_warmup_until': 500,

# The terms to scale the respective loss by
'conf_alpha': 1,
'bbox_alpha': 1.5,
'mask_alpha': 0.4 / 256 * 140 * 140, # Some funky equation. Don't worry about it.

# Eval.py sets this if you just want to run YOLACT as a detector
'eval_mask_branch': True,

# Top_k examples to consider for NMS
'nms_top_k': 200,
# Examples with confidence less than this are not considered by NMS
'nms_conf_thresh': 0.05,
# Boxes with IoU overlap greater than this threshold will be culled during NMS
'nms_thresh': 0.5,

# See mask_type for details.
'mask_type': mask_type.direct,
'mask_size': 16,
'masks_to_train': 100,
'mask_proto_src': None,
'mask_proto_net': [(256, 3, {}), (256, 3, {})],
'mask_proto_bias': False,
'mask_proto_prototype_activation': activation_func.relu,
'mask_proto_mask_activation': activation_func.sigmoid,
'mask_proto_coeff_activation': activation_func.tanh,
'mask_proto_crop': True,
'mask_proto_crop_expand': 0,
'mask_proto_loss': None,
'mask_proto_binarize_downsampled_gt': True,
'mask_proto_normalize_mask_loss_by_sqrt_area': False,
'mask_proto_reweight_mask_loss': False,
'mask_proto_grid_file': 'data/grid.npy',
'mask_proto_use_grid':  False,
'mask_proto_coeff_gate': False,
'mask_proto_prototypes_as_features': False,
'mask_proto_prototypes_as_features_no_grad': False,
'mask_proto_remove_empty_masks': False,
'mask_proto_reweight_coeff': 1,
'mask_proto_coeff_diversity_loss': False,
'mask_proto_coeff_diversity_alpha': 1,
'mask_proto_normalize_emulate_roi_pooling': False,
'mask_proto_double_loss': False,
'mask_proto_double_loss_alpha': 1,
'mask_proto_split_prototypes_by_head': False,
'mask_proto_crop_with_pred_box': False,

# SSD data augmentation parameters
# Randomize hue, vibrance, etc.
'augment_photometric_distort': True,
# Have a chance to scale down the image and pad (to emulate smaller detections)
'augment_expand': True,
# Potentialy sample a random crop from the image and put it in a random place
'augment_random_sample_crop': True,
# Mirror the image with a probability of 1/2
'augment_random_mirror': True,
# Flip the image vertically with a probability of 1/2
'augment_random_flip': False,
# With uniform probability, rotate the image [0,90,180,270] degrees
'augment_random_rot90': False,

# Discard detections with width and height smaller than this (in absolute width and height)
'discard_box_width': 4 / 550,
'discard_box_height': 4 / 550,

# If using batchnorm anywhere in the backbone, freeze the batchnorm layer during training.
# Note: any additional batch norm layers after the backbone will not be frozen.
'freeze_bn': False,

# Set this to a config object if you want an FPN (inherit from fpn_base). See fpn_base for details.
'fpn': None,

# Use the same weights for each network head
'share_prediction_module': False,

# For hard negative mining, instead of using the negatives that are leastl confidently background,
# use negatives that are most confidently not background.
'ohem_use_most_confident': False,

# Use focal loss as described in https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.02002.pdf instead of OHEM
'use_focal_loss': False,
'focal_loss_alpha': 0.25,
'focal_loss_gamma': 2,

# The initial bias toward forground objects, as specified in the focal loss paper
'focal_loss_init_pi': 0.01,

# Keeps track of the average number of examples for each class, and weights the loss for that class accordingly.
'use_class_balanced_conf': False,

# Whether to use sigmoid focal loss instead of softmax, all else being the same.
'use_sigmoid_focal_loss': False,

# Use class[0] to be the objectness score and class[1:] to be the softmax predicted class.
# Note: at the moment this is only implemented if use_focal_loss is on.
'use_objectness_score': False,

# Adds a global pool + fc layer to the smallest selected layer that predicts the existence of each of the 80 classes.
# This branch is only evaluated during training time and is just there for multitask learning.
'use_class_existence_loss': False,
'class_existence_alpha': 1,

# Adds a 1x1 convolution directly to the biggest selected layer that predicts a semantic segmentations for each of the 80 classes.
# This branch is only evaluated during training time and is just there for multitask learning.
'use_semantic_segmentation_loss': False,
'semantic_segmentation_alpha': 1,

# Adds another branch to the netwok to predict Mask IoU.
'use_mask_scoring': False,
'mask_scoring_alpha': 1,

# Match gt boxes using the Box2Pix change metric instead of the standard IoU metric.
# Note that the threshold you set for iou_threshold should be negative with this setting on.
'use_change_matching': False,

# Uses the same network format as mask_proto_net, except this time it's for adding extra head layers before the final
# prediction in prediction modules. If this is none, no extra layers will be added.
'extra_head_net': None,

# What params should the final head layers have (the ones that predict box, confidence, and mask coeffs)
'head_layer_params': {'kernel_size': 3, 'padding': 1},

# Add extra layers between the backbone and the network heads
# The order is (bbox, conf, mask)
'extra_layers': (0, 0, 0),

# During training, to match detections with gt, first compute the maximum gt IoU for each prior.
# Then, any of those priors whose maximum overlap is over the positive threshold, mark as positive.
# For any priors whose maximum is less than the negative iou threshold, mark them as negative.
# The rest are neutral and not used in calculating the loss.
'positive_iou_threshold': 0.5,
'negative_iou_threshold': 0.5,

# When using ohem, the ratio between positives and negatives (3 means 3 negatives to 1 positive)
'ohem_negpos_ratio': 3,

# If less than 1, anchors treated as a negative that have a crowd iou over this threshold with
# the crowd boxes will be treated as a neutral.
'crowd_iou_threshold': 1,

# This is filled in at runtime by Yolact's __init__, so don't touch it
'mask_dim': None,

# Input image size.
'max_size': 300,

# Whether or not to do post processing on the cpu at test time
'force_cpu_nms': True,

# Whether to use mask coefficient cosine similarity nms instead of bbox iou nms
'use_coeff_nms': False,

# Whether or not to have a separate branch whose sole purpose is to act as the coefficients for coeff_diversity_loss
# Remember to turn on coeff_diversity_loss, or these extra coefficients won't do anything!
# To see their effect, also remember to turn on use_coeff_nms.
'use_instance_coeff': False,
'num_instance_coeffs': 64,

# Whether or not to tie the mask loss / box loss to 0
'train_masks': True,
'train_boxes': True,
# If enabled, the gt masks will be cropped using the gt bboxes instead of the predicted ones.
# This speeds up training time considerably but results in much worse mAP at test time.
'use_gt_bboxes': False,

# Whether or not to preserve aspect ratio when resizing the image.
# If True, this will resize all images to be max_size^2 pixels in area while keeping aspect ratio.
# If False, all images are resized to max_size x max_size
'preserve_aspect_ratio': False,

# Whether or not to use the prediction module (c) from DSSD
'use_prediction_module': False,

# Whether or not to use the predicted coordinate scheme from Yolo v2
'use_yolo_regressors': False,

# For training, bboxes are considered "positive" if their anchors have a 0.5 IoU overlap
# or greater with a ground truth box. If this is true, instead of using the anchor boxes
# for this IoU computation, the matching function will use the predicted bbox coordinates.
# Don't turn this on if you're not using yolo regressors!
'use_prediction_matching': False,

# A list of settings to apply after the specified iteration. Each element of the list should look like
# (iteration, config_dict) where config_dict is a dictionary you'd pass into a config object's init.
'delayed_settings': [],

# Use command-line arguments to set this.
'no_jit': False,

'backbone': None,
'name': 'base_config',

# Fast Mask Re-scoring Network
# Inspried by Mask Scoring R-CNN (https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.00241)
# Do not crop out the mask with bbox but slide a convnet on the image-size mask,
# then use global pooling to get the final mask score
'use_maskiou': False,

# Archecture for the mask iou network. A (num_classes-1, 1, {}) layer is appended to the end.
'maskiou_net': [],

# Discard predicted masks whose area is less than this
'discard_mask_area': -1,

'maskiou_alpha': 1.0,
'rescore_mask': False,
'rescore_bbox': False,
'maskious_to_train': -1,


----------------------- YOLACT v1.0 CONFIGS -----------------------

yolact_base_config = coco_base_config.copy({ 'name': 'yolact_base',

# Dataset stuff
'dataset': BlenderSet550,
'num_classes': len(BlenderSet550.class_names) + 1,

# Image Size
'max_size': 550,

# Training params
'lr_steps': (280000, 600000, 700000, 750000),
'max_iter': 800000,

# Backbone Settings
'backbone': resnet101_backbone.copy({
    'selected_layers': list(range(1, 4)),
    'use_pixel_scales': True,
    'preapply_sqrt': False,
    'use_square_anchors': True, # This is for backward compatability with a bug

    'pred_aspect_ratios': [ [[1, 1/2, 2]] ]*5,
    'pred_scales': [[24], [48], [96], [192], [384]],

# FPN Settings
'fpn': fpn_base.copy({
    'use_conv_downsample': True,
    'num_downsample': 2,

# Mask Settings
'mask_type': mask_type.lincomb,
'mask_alpha': 6.125,
'mask_proto_src': 0,
'mask_proto_net': [(256, 3, {'padding': 1})] * 3 + [(None, -2, {}), (256, 3, {'padding': 1})] + [(32, 1, {})],
'mask_proto_normalize_emulate_roi_pooling': True,

# Other stuff
'share_prediction_module': True,
'extra_head_net': [(256, 3, {'padding': 1})],

'positive_iou_threshold': 0.5,
'negative_iou_threshold': 0.4,

'crowd_iou_threshold': 0.7,

'use_semantic_segmentation_loss': True,


yolact_im400_config = yolact_base_config.copy({ 'name': 'yolact_im400',

'max_size': 400,
'backbone': yolact_base_config.backbone.copy({
    'pred_scales': [[int(x[0] / yolact_base_config.max_size * 400)] for x in yolact_base_config.backbone.pred_scales],


yolact_im700_config = yolact_base_config.copy({ 'name': 'yolact_im700',

'masks_to_train': 300,
'max_size': 700,
'backbone': yolact_base_config.backbone.copy({
    'pred_scales': [[int(x[0] / yolact_base_config.max_size * 700)] for x in yolact_base_config.backbone.pred_scales],


yolact_darknet53_config = yolact_base_config.copy({ 'name': 'yolact_darknet53',

'backbone': darknet53_backbone.copy({
    'selected_layers': list(range(2, 5)),

    'pred_scales': yolact_base_config.backbone.pred_scales,
    'pred_aspect_ratios': yolact_base_config.backbone.pred_aspect_ratios,
    'use_pixel_scales': True,
    'preapply_sqrt': False,
    'use_square_anchors': True, # This is for backward compatability with a bug


yolact_resnet50_config = yolact_base_config.copy({ 'name': 'yolact_resnet50',

'backbone': resnet50_backbone.copy({
    'selected_layers': list(range(1, 4)),

    'pred_scales': yolact_base_config.backbone.pred_scales,
    'pred_aspect_ratios': yolact_base_config.backbone.pred_aspect_ratios,
    'use_pixel_scales': True,
    'preapply_sqrt': False,
    'use_square_anchors': True, # This is for backward compatability with a bug


----------------------- YOLACT++ CONFIGS -----------------------

yolact_plus_base_config = yolact_base_config.copy({ 'name': 'yolact_plus_base',

'backbone': resnet101_dcn_inter3_backbone.copy({
    'selected_layers': list(range(1, 4)),

    'pred_aspect_ratios': [ [[1, 1/2, 2]] ]*5,
    'pred_scales': [[i * 2 ** (j / 3.0) for j in range(3)] for i in [24, 48, 96, 192, 384]],
    'use_pixel_scales': True,
    'preapply_sqrt': False,
    'use_square_anchors': False,

'use_maskiou': True,
'maskiou_net': [(8, 3, {'stride': 2}), (16, 3, {'stride': 2}), (32, 3, {'stride': 2}), (64, 3, {'stride': 2}), (128, 3, {'stride': 2})],
'maskiou_alpha': 25,
'rescore_bbox': False,
'rescore_mask': True,

'discard_mask_area': 5*5,


yolact_plus_resnet50_config = yolact_plus_base_config.copy({ 'name': 'yolact_plus_resnet50',

'backbone': resnet50_dcnv2_backbone.copy({
    'selected_layers': list(range(1, 4)),

    'pred_aspect_ratios': [ [[1, 1/2, 2]] ]*5,
    'pred_scales': [[i * 2 ** (j / 3.0) for j in range(3)] for i in [24, 48, 96, 192, 384]],
    'use_pixel_scales': True,
    'preapply_sqrt': False,
    'use_square_anchors': False,


Default config

cfg = yolact_base_config.copy()

def set_cfg(config_name:str): """ Sets the active config. Works even if cfg is already imported! """ global cfg

# Note this is not just an eval because I'm lazy, but also because it can
# be used like ssd300_config.copy({'max_size': 400}) for extreme fine-tuning

if cfg.name is None:
    cfg.name = config_name.split('_config')[0]

def set_dataset(dataset_name:str): """ Sets the dataset of the current config. """ cfg.dataset = eval(dataset_name)

AND the result

[ 0] 110 || B: 5.428 | C: 2.847 | M: 5.781 | S: 0.034 | T: 14.091 || ETA: 5 days, 21:18:22 || timer: 0.471 [ 0] 120 || B: 5.287 | C: 2.716 | M: 5.668 | S: 0.024 | T: 13.695 || ETA: 5 days, 21:10:55 || timer: 0.471

I also get this warnings when I begin training

/home/mribeiro/tese/Yolact++/utils/augmentations.py:309: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. mode = random.choice(self.sample_options) /home/mribeiro/tese/Yolact++/utils/augmentations.py:309: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. mode = random.choice(self.sample_options) /home/mribeiro/tese/Yolact++/utils/augmentations.py:309: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when creating the ndarray. mode = random.choice(self.sample_options) /home/mribeiro/tese/Yolact++/utils/augmentations.py:309: VisibleDeprecationWarning: Creating an ndarray from ragged nested sequences (which is a list-or-tuple of lists-or-tuples-or ndarrays with different lengths or shapes) is deprecated. If you meant to do this, you must specify 'dtype=object' when

MiguelAngeloMartinsRibeiro commented 3 years ago

I found that I was changing in the coco_base_config instead of yolact_base_config

Anyways, if you've some tips to reduce the training speed I would appreciate. Also if you've tips about the cuda error cause I've 8GB ram on the Nvidia card