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write summary of changes for resubmission #178

Closed sbuc closed 5 years ago

sbuc commented 5 years ago


did not do (give reasons)

sbuc commented 5 years ago

Resubmission - Summary of Changes

There is no specific template for the summary of changes, so you should feel free to draft it in a way that presents your revisions and responses to review points in a clear and concise manner.

Suggestions on what to include in your summary:

Include a paragraph or two summarising the main changes you have made in the revision and how they address the main concerns raised by the reviewers. Respond point by point to the issues mentioned in the meta-review. Be clear and explicit in explaining what concern(s) the reviewer(s) raised in the meta-review, and how you have addressed them. Also, please point to the section(s) of the paper where the changes can be found. Mention whether/how you have addressed the other issues raised in the individual reviews (not included in the meta-review.) If there are points in the reviews you disagree with, and have thus not addressed, make sure you make a convincing case providing your reasons. Provide info on other changes you might have made to the paper (not necessarily raised in the reviews). Refrain from listing very minor changes (e.g., typos), it’s assumed that you have corrected them. You can also attach a latex diff, if that helps understanding how you have updated your paper (though this is not useful if you have done very heaving editing all over the place.) You are advised to put some effort in drafting a summary that makes it easy for reviewers to understand how the new version compares to the old one, and how you have addressed their comments and improved the paper. Expect reviewers to read your summary of changes before they read the new version of the paper, so you should see it as an opportunity to present the improvements you’ve made during the revision of the paper.

dbosk commented 5 years ago
