dbosk / crocus

Securely and privately verifiable protests
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What are the roles in the system? #39

Closed dbosk closed 6 years ago

dbosk commented 6 years ago

Who does what? There should be a description in the Protocol section who does what, to outline who sends what to whom. This might also be useful in the System Model section.

We have

dbosk commented 6 years ago

Does the organizer determine the times and locations of the subprotests too? Yes and no: The subprotests can be used to form a marching path, in which case the organizer have already decided (and confirmed this with police in many countries). However, there might be other protests for the same cause in other locations (e.g. other cities), in which case there will probably be another organizer but still counted as the same protest (opposition against Eve, e.g. Women's Marches in the US).