dbosk / crocus

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Performance: Server-aided verification #88

Closed dbosk closed 5 years ago

dbosk commented 6 years ago

I saw a talk a while ago by Elena Pagnin (Chalmers) about Server-Aided Verification (SAV). SAV aims at offloading heavy computations from devices who want to verify signatures. The idea is to replace the heavy computations with a smaller one, \ie verifiable computations, and thus verify that the server has done the computations correctly. This can be made cheaper than actually verifying the signature. It works for CL04 signatures, which is exactly what we're using.

We can add this to the discussion as an option to make things computationally lighter. (The gains are not that much at the moment --- like one exponentiation or pairing operation --- but they are still gains and it matters when we have to verify millions of signatures.)

dbosk commented 6 years ago

Notes from my reMarkable: 0

dbosk commented 5 years ago

I talked to Elena again later, she said it's doubtful that they will ever achieve any significant saving.