Where to get the token and server URL for Canvas? What format?
How to extract the needed spreadsheet from Canvas (if using the LADOK CLI)?
Clarify about the environment variables LADOK_USER and LADOK_PASS.
Clarify that you always need to use -f if you have uncustom path.
Clarify that the -f option always requires the path.
From Sonja:
Draft of end-user instructions:
1) to install: "pip install ladok3"
2) to report component LAB1 of course DD1234 with today's date:
make a csv file (use tabs as separator) with columns student_id (personnummer), course_code, component_code, grade. You can do this by:
--"It requires a config.json file with (1) the Canvas url and access token and (2) the user's username and password (for access to Ladok)" what format?
-- (Note: Add the "-T" flag to run in the Ladok test environment.)
-- "./ladok3_course_instance_to_spreadsheet.py ". For use the number in the URL after https://canvas.kth.se/courses/. This creates the file users_programs-instance-COURSE_INSTANCE.xlsx
authenticate yourself: "ladok login" what are the parameters?
empty cache to prevent mismatch issues: "ladok cache [...]"
report content of the csv file: "ladok report [...]" . If you want it marked as ready, use "ladok report [...] -f"
To get LAB1 complete (or other components), use the component name as assignment group and put all necessary assignments to pass in there.
From Sonja: