dbotsfun / izumo

🚢 Backend for Dbots botlist (aka: Izumo)
MIT License
8 stars 2 forks source link

feat: bot supported languages #77

Closed simxnet closed 3 weeks ago

chikof commented 1 month ago

Does Discord provide any information on this or the users will have to provide the languages?

chikof commented 1 month ago

I have tried to get information from Nekotina, bot that has more than 2 languages, if I am not mistaken; and it does not seem that discord gives information about it.

GET https://discord.com/api/v9/applications/429457053791158281/public?with_guild=false
Response ```json { "id": "429457053791158281", "name": "Nekotina", "icon": "166a300b26fcf6e259036c8bd92aec63", "description": "Holi♡ I’m Nekotina, a fun bot here to keep your server active.\n\nCheck out my command list with `!help` or \n\nhttps://nekotina.com\nhttps://discord.gg/nekotina", "summary": "", "type": null, "is_monetized": false, "is_verified": true, "bot": { "id": "429457053791158281", "username": "Nekotina", "global_name": null, "avatar": "166a300b26fcf6e259036c8bd92aec63", "avatar_decoration_data": null, "discriminator": "0608", "public_flags": 65536, "clan": null, "bot": true, "banner": "e84ba8df9505c6f5cf0d9c9b6b91b1da", "banner_color": null, "accent_color": null }, "hook": true, "guild_id": "659090161237229579", "storefront_available": false, "bot_public": true, "bot_require_code_grant": false, "terms_of_service_url": "https://nekotina.com/terms.pdf", "privacy_policy_url": "https://nekotina.com/privacy.pdf", "install_params": { "scopes": [ "applications.commands", "bot" ], "permissions": "399431429375" }, "integration_types_config": { "0": { "oauth2_install_params": { "scopes": [ "applications.commands", "bot" ], "permissions": "399431429375" } }, "1": { "oauth2_install_params": { "scopes": [ "applications.commands" ], "permissions": "0" } } }, "verify_key": "...", "flags": 10764352, "tags": [ "Anime", "Currency", "Fun", "Music", "Roleplay" ] } ```

GET https://discord.com/api/v9/oauth2/authorize?client_id=429457053791158281&scope=applications.commands%20bot&integration_type=0
Response ```json { "application": { "id": "429457053791158281", "name": "Nekotina", "icon": "166a300b26fcf6e259036c8bd92aec63", "description": "Holi♡ I’m Nekotina, a fun bot here to keep your server active.\n\nCheck out my command list with `!help` or \n\nhttps://nekotina.com\nhttps://discord.gg/nekotina", "summary": "", "type": null, "is_monetized": false, "is_verified": true, "hook": true, "guild_id": "659090161237229579", "storefront_available": false, "bot_public": true, "bot_require_code_grant": false, "terms_of_service_url": "https://nekotina.com/terms.pdf", "privacy_policy_url": "https://nekotina.com/privacy.pdf", "install_params": { "scopes": [ "applications.commands", "bot" ], "permissions": "399431429375" }, "integration_types_config": { "0": { "oauth2_install_params": { "scopes": [ "applications.commands", "bot" ], "permissions": "399431429375" } }, "1": { "oauth2_install_params": { "scopes": [ "applications.commands" ], "permissions": "0" } } }, "verify_key": "...", "flags": 10764352, "tags": [ "Anime", "Currency", "Fun", "Music", "Roleplay" ] }, "user": {...}, "authorized": false, "integration_type": 0, "bot": { "id": "429457053791158281", "username": "Nekotina", "global_name": null, "avatar": "166a300b26fcf6e259036c8bd92aec63", "avatar_decoration_data": null, "discriminator": "0608", "public_flags": 65536, "clan": null, "bot": true, "approximate_guild_count": 3860000 }, "guilds": [...] } ```