dbowman1 / gameLibrary

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Review #3

Closed lucaskostecki closed 5 years ago

lucaskostecki commented 5 years ago

Design/Code Review 3

Project: Game Library

Developer: Dustin Bowman

Reviewer: Lucas Kostecki

Category Criteria Rating/Comments
Project Overview
Which planned functionality has been met? ✔️
What planned functionality has not been met? ✔️
Describe the GitHub history and what it demonstrates about the project progress during the semester. Spreads out work evenly across the week ✔️
Describe how peer and instructor feedback/recommendations were incorporated into the project. Included controllers for data api ✔️
Other comments/notes?
Evaluate the JSPs for templating, business logic, data validation, overall look and feel. ✔️
Other comments/notes?
Java code quality Evaluate the code quality for the following and identify specific areas for improvement (class, method or line number)
  • single-purpose methods
  • well-structured project
  • descriptive naming of packages, classes, methods, variables
  • classes appropriately-sized (no monster classes)
  • CPD (copy paste detection, meaning are the same lines of code repeated?)
  • are there candidates for super/subclass relationships, abstract classes, interfaces?
  • are any values hard-coded that should be in a properties file?
  • proper exception handling
  • proper error reporting to the user
  • code documentation
  • Warned if username is reused. Wrong password is alerted. etc. ✔️
    Other comments/notes?
    Logging Evaluate the use of logging, for example:
  • appropriate use of logging statements in the code for error logging and debugging
  • logging levels used - info, debug, error
  • no occurrences of System.out.printlns or printStackTrace()
  • logging works on AWS deploy
  • ✔️
    Other comments/notes?
    Unit Tests Evaluate the unit tests, for example:
  • tests are truly a unit test rather than a high level functional test
  • test data is appropriately cleaned up or handled
  • there is full coverage of methods that perform business logic or utility functions
  • redundant code is eliminated by using set up and tear down methods, i.e., @Before, @After
  • ✔️
    Other comments/notes?
    Security Evaluate authentication/authorization:
    Is it implemented correctly and working locally as well as on AWS? ✔️
    Other comments/notes?
    Web Service/API integration Evaluate the service/api integration, for example:
  • Which service/api is implemented?
  • How is error handling of the service implemented? For example, what happens if the service is not available?
  • igdb.github.io/api ✔️
  • Other comments/notes?
    Independent research topic What is the independent research topic? Lombok
    Is the independent research topic/technique implemented in the project? Yes✔️
    Other comments/notes?
    Deployment Has the application been successfully deployed to AWS? ✔️
    Is the hosted application fully functioning? ✔️
    Other comments/notes?
    lucaskostecki commented 5 years ago

    qaplug results