dbpedia / databus

A digital factory platform for managing files online with stable IDs, high-quality metadata, powerful API and tools for building on data: find, access, make interoperable, re-use
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Minor JSON-LD glitches #122

Open kurzum opened 11 months ago

kurzum commented 11 months ago

I LD'ed into

curl "https://databus.dbpedia.org/dbpedia/generic/infobox-properties/2022.03.01" -H "Accept: application/ld+json" 

and found some json-ld hickups. byteSize and contentVariant are in context, but get serialized with prefixes. dataid dataset is not in json-ld

"@type": [

"dcat:byteSize": 882435565,

 "subPropertyOf": "databus:contentVariant"

also there is a variation between issued and modified.

"issued": "2022-03-01T00:00:00Z",
 "modified": "2023-06-26T12:48:48.630Z",