dbpedia / databus

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Customize initial 401 Unauthorized page (in a private setup) #149

Open white-gecko opened 6 months ago

white-gecko commented 6 months ago

In a private databus setup I'm greeted with a 401 Unauthorized page. For the coypu project we would like to customize the welcome page, even in a private setup to show some helpful information.

varun-singh-0518 commented 5 months ago

can you elaborate on this issue? I want to check this one

white-gecko commented 5 months ago

Currently it looks like this: grafik

I would like to set the title and some description text below. Also I would like to customize the background color of the welcome page. A bit similar to the dbpedia databus front page, but without the stats and the list of datasets.


holycrab13 commented 5 months ago

for routes that need to be protected with authentication there is a middleware used in the nodejs express setup. E.g:


protector.protect() is the middleware call that checks authentication and redirects to a 401 in this case. In private mode, this is slapped on everything:


Since this also applied to read-only pages (that are never protected in non-private mode) it also returns an HTML representation of the 401 response.

This is cool, except for the landing page that should still be customizable to some degree. I think it should use the customizable header of the default page. The customizable header is a feature that I am currently still working on. I will rush this, so this issue can be implemented

You can already implement this though and copy the current header of the landing page (index.ejs)

varun-singh-0518 commented 5 months ago

what should i define in this function to return it for read only pages.?

function isReadOnlyRoute(req) { return req.path.startsWith('/read-only/'); }

//Here , i updated this to only apply this feature to pages which are not read only

app.all('*', function (req, res, next) {
  // Check if the application is in private mode
  if (process.env.DATABUS_PRIVATE_MODE == "true") {
    // Check if the route is read-only
    if (!isReadOnlyRoute(req)) {
      // Apply the global middleware for non-read-only routes
      return protector.protect(true, function (req, res) {
        if (protector.isBrowserRequest(req)) {
          var data = {}
          data.auth = ServerUtils.getAuthInfoFromRequest(req);
          res.status(401).render('unauthorized', {
            title: 'Unauthorized',
            data: data,
        } else {
      })(req, res, next);

  // For read-only routes or when not in private mode, handle the logic accordingly
holycrab13 commented 5 months ago

My explanation might have been misleading, there is no change or check needed for "read only". Private mode is supposed to route EVERYTHING to 401, nobody should see what is there except for authenticated users.

The task is about creating an exception for the landing page at the root path "/".

Expected behaviour:

My next merge will make the banner be contained in its own file banner.ejs that can be included into any other ejs file, such as a special private mode landing page.

LucasGazetta commented 5 months ago

Hey, would love to give it a go

holycrab13 commented 5 months ago

Okay, the dev branch has received some updates on this. The banner will now be held in a banner.ejs file (https://github.com/dbpedia/databus/blob/dev/public/templates/banner.ejs)

A custom 401 frontpage should include the banner via the ejs include syntax