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Overlapping <thead> in results table at the sparql endpoint (https://dev.databus.dbpedia.org/sparql) #181

Open JonathanJustavino opened 2 weeks ago

JonathanJustavino commented 2 weeks ago

Margin/Padding incorrect. If a query variable of a sparql query is longer than its corresponding results, then the <thead> is overlapping with the next <thead> of the next query variable.

Example Query:

SELECT DISTINCT ?distributionURL ?veryLongQueryVariable ?downloadURL  WHERE {
  ?hasVersion dct:hasVersion ?veryLongQueryVariable .
  ?hasVersion dcat:distribution ?distributionURL .
  ?distributionURL dcat:downloadURL ?downloadURL .
  FILTER(CONTAINS(str(?hasVersion), "RIL"))
