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Map frames and FEs to DBPO properties #64

Closed marfox closed 9 years ago

marfox commented 9 years ago

For each frame and FEs in our current definitions, try to find a suitable mapping to a DBpedia ontology property. If it doesn't exist, it may indicate that our approach found a new property, which can be proposed for addition. Otherwise, it would help to assess the knowledge base increase impact on already available properties.

marfox commented 9 years ago

I only found 7 mappings out of 22 items (frames + FEs).

The main DBPO issues preventing from finding a mapping are:

  1. Too many DataType properties, instead of Object properties. The labels may match, but the range are always literals, and we want entities;
  2. Too specific labels, e.g., stateOfOriginTeam, teamCoached, youthClub, continentalTournament, nationalTournament etc.;
  3. No suitable domain/range constraints.

The table below reports a recap of the findings:

DBPO domain range candidate OK?
activity Person :x: Attività :-1:
defeat Boxer integer Sconfitta :-1:
playerStatus Person string Stato (frame) :-1:
playerStatus Person string Stato (FE) :+1:
award Person Award Trofeo :+1:
victory Person integer Vittoria :-1:
rank :x: string Classifica :+1: (logically consistent, but very generic...)
ranking School integer Classifica :-1:
competition SportCompetitionResult Event Competizione :-1:
duration Event double Durata :+1: (but why a double as range?!?)
place MilitaryConflict PopulatedPlace Luogo :-1:
score :x: :x: Punteggio :+1: (it solely depends on the label...)
team Athlete SportsTeam Squadra :+1: (incredible! A perfect match!!!)