dbpedia / gstore

Git repo / triple store hybrid graph storage
Apache License 2.0
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Add separators between shacl violation messages #13

Closed holycrab13 closed 2 years ago

holycrab13 commented 2 years ago

I get this as a result of a SHACL validation without linebreaks:

IRI for dataid:Dataset must match /USER/GROUP/ARTIFACT/VERSION#Dataset , |USER|>3IRI for dataid:Part must match /USER/GROUP/ARTIFACT/VERSION#PART , |USER|>3, PART != "Dataset"A dataid:Part MUST have exactly one dataid:file of type IRIRequired property dataid:formatExtension MUST occur exactly once AND have xsd:string as valueA dataid:Part MUST have exactly one dataid:format of type xsd:string AND should not inlcude a '.' in front"@en ; xsd:string as value Required property dataid:compression MUST occur exactly once AND have xsd:string as value AND should not inlcude a '.' in front Required property dataid:sha256sum MUST occur exactly once AND have xsd:string as value AND match pattern ^[a-f0-9]{64}$Required property dct:modified MUST occur exactly once AND have xsd:dateTime as valueRequired property dataid:version MUST occur exactly once AND be of type IRI /USER/GROUP/ARTIFACT/VERSION , |USER|>3Required property dataid:artifact MUST occur exactly once AND be of type IRI AND must match /USER/GROUP/ARTIFACT , |USER|>3A dataid:Part MUST have exactly one dcat:downloadURL of type IRI

needs separators

Might also be resolvable with https://github.com/dbpedia/gstore/issues/14

manonthegithub commented 2 years ago
