dbpedia / gstore

Git repo / triple store hybrid graph storage
Apache License 2.0
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Graph ID needs to match some other URI #4

Closed kurzum closed 2 years ago

kurzum commented 2 years ago

added a test for graphname in https://github.com/dbpedia/gstore/blob/dev/tests/test_api_functionality.sh#L91

ASK { GRAPH <http://localhost:3002/graph/janni/testing/group> {?s ?p ?o} }"
Test curl -s "localhost:3002/sparql?default-graph-uri=&query=ASK%20%7b%20GRAPH%20%3chttp%3a%2f%2flocalhost3002%2fgraph%2fjanni%2ftesting%2fgroup%3e%20%7b%3fs%20%3fp%20%3fo%7d%20%7d" 
✖ false == true :: Virtuoso SPARQL ASK for GRAPH <http://localhost3002/graph/janni/testing/group>

Implementation GRAPH name is always: <$prefix/$repo/$path>

  1. Default (no prefix parameter): $prefix=$REQUEST_BASE_FQDN/g/$repo/$path
  2. if $prefix is set then graph is <$prefix/$repo/$path>
manonthegithub commented 2 years ago

@kurzum hmmm... looks like 3003 is a port of databus, and 3002 is a port of gstore... which one should be used?

manonthegithub commented 2 years ago

done, feel free to open if there are some issues