dbpedia / ontology-tracker

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Multiple labels in one language for ontology classes not supported #10

Open der-bruemmer opened 9 years ago

der-bruemmer commented 9 years ago

Consider this class: http://mappings.dbpedia.org/index.php/OntologyClass:Company

I just edited the language of "compañía" to Spanish, it was English before. As only one label per language is supported and the last label in the mapping table is used, in the current ontology, the English label of dbo:Company is "compañía", which is just wrong. Now, "compañía" will not be added as a label in the next ontology, because "empresa" is a second Spanish label. I think "empresa" is the spanish word for "enterprise" which is a specific type of company.

Ontology classes should be able to have multiple labels in one language. Examples are concepts that are different in one language, thus having two names to describe them, but may not have to be modelled as two distinct classes. Granted, concepts having different names in one language indicate that there is a semantic difference that may have to be modelled.