dbpedia / ontology-tracker

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Proposal for refactoring Bands and MusicalArtists #11

Open HeikoPaulheim opened 8 years ago

HeikoPaulheim commented 8 years ago

At the moment, associatedBand and associatedMusicalArtist are always used in parallel, see, e.g., http://dbpedia.org/resource/Trent_Reznor, which has the same statements for both. However, the first has range dbo:associatedBand, the latter has range dbo:MusicalArtist, which should be disjoint (one inherits from Person, the other from Organization), and actually are once you add the DOLCE axioms to the ontology.

Proposal for refactoring:

This should resolve the inconsistency, without losing information.

A similar issue exists for dbo:musicalBand and dbo:musicalArtist (linking singles to artists), which should be replaced by one property dbo:musicalAct.

Furthermore, dbo:artist could get a more concise range (it is now dbo:Agent, could then be dbo:MusicalAct).