dbpedia / ontology-tracker

Here we keep track of modification requests in the DBpedia Ontology
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Numeric Properties should have a Unit (no, MUST have a unit!) #12

Open rfool opened 8 years ago

rfool commented 8 years ago

The unit may either be specified in property definition or in property data. In latter case it would be helpful to also have a common unit in property definition and (implicit or explicit) rules for conversion (e.g. unit=km2 in property data and unit=m2 in property definition and some external rules for conversion between m2 and km2).

Example: http://dbpedia.org/ontology/areaTotal

I see, that the property label contains "m2", so I would assume that numeric data is specified in square meters. The catch phrase here is "I would assume" - I am human, not a stupid computer system. And even I first had to do some research to figure out that the naked numbers in dbo:areaTotal were square meters.

Or did I miss something?

jimkont commented 8 years ago

This looks like an ontology export bug. The actual datatype is Area http://mappings.dbpedia.org/index.php/OntologyProperty:AreaTotal

and instances of the PopulatedPlace class use squareKilometre http://mappings.dbpedia.org/index.php/OntologyClass:PopulatedPlace

but the owl file we export displays xsd:double we will try to fix this by the next release