dbpedia / ontology-tracker

Here we keep track of modification requests in the DBpedia Ontology
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What is the difference between dbp:birthPlace and dbp:placeOfBirth? #16

Closed rtroncy closed 7 years ago

rtroncy commented 7 years ago

Preamble: is it still the right place to raise and discuss issues around the dbpedia ontology? I know that the ontology is developed on the mappings wiki. I'm opening an issue on this github tracker following this presentation from @VladimirAlexiev

The current dbpedia ontology seems to defined 2 properties that have a similar purpose, namely: dbp:birthPlace and dbp:placeOfBirth. Why?

In the current SPARQL endpoint, there seems to be 409779 resources that uses dbp:placeOfBirth and 560962 resources that uses birthPlace. Some resources have both, e.g. <http://dbpedia.org/page/Flora_MacLeod_of_MacLeod> not mentioning the strange value for those properties.

Is anybody aware of this problem?

kurzum commented 7 years ago

We have been cleaning up processes a lot lately and are almost done. In your case, this would qualify as a support request and would go here: http://support.dbpedia.org/

We are rebooting the ontology discussion, ideally on the main discussion list of DBpedia, which we cleaned from all the call for papers and support requests: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dbpedia/lists/dbpedia-discussion

So next week there will be developer call at Wednesday 1 pm about how to track data quality issues with the help of the ontology systematically.

For your question, you are using the wrong namespace. dbp are 50k different messy properties. We use the mappings wiki to map these to dbo, see here, one property with 1131397 results: http://dbpedia.org/snorql/?query=SELECT+count%28%3Fs%29+WHERE+%7B%0D%0A%3Fs+dbo%3AbirthPlace+%3Fo%0D%0A%7D

rtroncy commented 7 years ago

Thanks @kurzum for the answer! http://support.dbpedia.org/ is great, I just registered!

On the core of the issue, yes, of course, my bad, I didn't pay attention enough to the prefix and I should only care about the dbo properties.

I haven't seen an announcement for the developer call planned next Wed on the dbpedia mailing list. Is it normal? I'm closing this issue.