Working on some Trump World data, @nasok tried to match "Rex Tillerson" to DBpedia.
We had filter by dbo:Person, so we were very surprised when it returned
The reason is that dbo:FictionalCharacter is a subclass of dbo:Person.
That's bogus because it's also owl:equivalentClass to:
foaf:Person "The Person class represents people" (excludes dogs and ninja turtles). "We don't nitpic about whether they're alive, dead, real, or imaginary"
Working on some Trump World data, @nasok tried to match "Rex Tillerson" to DBpedia. We had filter by dbo:Person, so we were very surprised when it returned The reason is that dbo:FictionalCharacter is a subclass of dbo:Person. That's bogus because it's also owl:equivalentClass to:
I've made dbo:FictionalCharacter subclass of dbo:Agent instead