dbr / themoviedb

Python wrapper to themoviedb.org API [Not actively maintained]
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0.2b: original urls missing from image dicts #3

Open sanguinepenguinx opened 13 years ago

sanguinepenguinx commented 13 years ago

I added this to line 245: self.find_by('id', _id)[0][size] = url

zombiehunter1 commented 12 years ago

Has this been fixed? I've just started play with this library and cannot find a way to get the original artwork urls

can anyone please help me

zombiehunter1 commented 12 years ago

as above

modifying the code like this worked

if len(cur) == 0: nimg = Image(_id = _id, _type = _type, size = size, url = url) self.append(nimg) self.find_by('id', _id)[0][size] = url