dbr / tvnamer

Automatic TV episode file renamer, uses data from thetvdb.com via tvdb_api
The Unlicense
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Feature Req - ability to blacklist specific series #135

Closed jedd closed 6 years ago

jedd commented 7 years ago


Would it be possible to have a configuration to exclude a specific set of series-ID's from thetvdb lookup?

For example tvnamer typically shows 'The Simpsons' and 'Jessica Simpson' whenever it sees the word 'Simpson' in a filename.

Obviously normal people will never have one of those files on their computer, and it'd be great to be able to avoid the 'Enter choice' prompt.

dbr commented 7 years ago

I believe this could be done with the input_series_replacements option? Either replacing "Simpsons" with "The Simpsons", or with the specific series ID

There is example configs for both these approaches in the test cases: https://github.com/dbr/tvnamer/blob/master/tests/test_series_replacement.py#L11


    "input_series_replacements": {
        "seriesnamegoeshere": 76156}
jedd commented 7 years ago

Oh, fantastic, thank you. I did look through for some blacklist options, didn't think to check replacements as a way of excluding across the board.

Have tested - works well.

Thank you again!