dbr / tvnamer

Automatic TV episode file renamer, uses data from thetvdb.com via tvdb_api
The Unlicense
907 stars 115 forks source link

Please support Movie rename too #176

Closed Monirzadeh closed 4 years ago

Monirzadeh commented 4 years ago

is it possible to add movie rename feature to tvnamer? what do you need for that?

dbr commented 4 years ago

While possible, this isn't something I would want to add to tvnamer.

I think this would add to much additional complexity into tvnamer (very little code would be shared between the two parts, so would likely be better as a separate tool), and so I would prefer to keep it focused on just renaming TV episodes!

dbr commented 4 years ago

There are some other projects which handle film renaming - https://github.com/jkwill87/mnamer seems like a quite well maintained one currently and handles both film and TV. There is also various non-Python based tools like Radarr (film only) and FileBot