dbr / tvnamer

Automatic TV episode file renamer, uses data from thetvdb.com via tvdb_api
The Unlicense
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Problem reading user config file in default location #195

Open Cirieno opened 3 years ago

Cirieno commented 3 years ago

I want to change the filename format slightly, but I'm having a problem getting tvnamer to read the user config file without explicitly calling it as a parameter every time.

I've followed the advice to place the file at ~/.config/tvnamer/tvnamer.json and for testing I included just the one example value { "language": "fr" }.

I'm finding that tvnamer --p does not pick up the change to the config file, however tvnamer --p --config=~/.config/tvnamer/tvnamer.json does pick up the value from the test config file.

Am I missing something, or is this a bug?

(using Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon)

dbr commented 3 years ago

Hmm, that's strange - can you check you are running tvnamer version 3? The ~/.config/tvnamer/tvnamer.json config location was added in that version

If you check the output of tvnamer --version it should say

Cirieno commented 3 years ago

Hmm, it looks like 2.5-1 as per the Mint Software Manager. apt-get install tvnamer reveals the same version. I'm literally a few days into learning how to Linux after being Windows forever, so if it's not packaged I'm a little bit at a loss. This tracker also points out the software manager is behind.

esrora commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem.

My version is 3.0.4, I have ~/.config/tvnamer/tvnamer.json.

When I execute: tvnamer -c ~/.config/tvnamer/tvnamer.json -p

and I execute: tvnamer -p

Same result and I change tvnamer.json { "language": "en" }

Don't load my config file