dbramwell / react-animate-on-scroll

React component to provide animations when the user scrolls
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Typescript Type Definitions Outdated #46

Open brybrophy opened 6 years ago

brybrophy commented 6 years ago

When using typescript, the following properties cause errors because they are not included in the type definitions:

dbramwell commented 6 years ago

I've not used r-a-o-s with typescript before. In fact, i've not used typescript much either. Do you mean that I just need to add definitions in the propTypes section for those props to resolve this?

paul-vd commented 4 years ago

as stated the types are still on version 2.1.2 https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/react-animate-on-scroll

@dbramwell yes the propTypes needs to be updated someone can update the type definitions accordingly: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/react-animate-on-scroll/index.d.ts

paul-vd commented 4 years ago

I have forked the types and i'm just waiting for your propTypes so that i can update the @types