dbrattli / Expression

Functional programming for Python
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Question: Is there a reason why pipeline is buried so far into the package? from expression.extra.result import pipeline #209

Open ShravanSunder opened 4 months ago

ShravanSunder commented 4 months ago

pipelines are currently in from expression.extra.result import pipeline

It seems like its a great way to chain results (or options) and i was wondering why its not exposed more easily. It seems to me like a core part of implementing result in the codebase.

dbrattli commented 4 months ago

Hi, it was added there since I was unsure if it should be added as it is in the current form (or not) i.e naming. But I guess we could now move it into the core module. The thing is that it's "container" specific so it needs to be scoped / namespaced e.g expression.result.pipeline since a Result pipeline is different from an Option pipeline.

ShravanSunder commented 4 months ago

I guess pipeline is also missing async compatability