dbriemann / glyph-zero

The base template for all glyph powered blogs.
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Support Classless themes on glyph-zero? #2

Open fiatjaf opened 6 years ago

fiatjaf commented 6 years ago

The worst part of coming up with a new CMS/static site generator is that we have no themes. Even when we manage to come up with a theming system (that let's people write their own layouts then somehow grab those layouts instead of the default layouts to render the final site), we still have one or two themes while Jekyll has a thousand.

I've designed Classless with that in mind. I know this sounds like an elevator pitch, but Classless is an idea for easing out the pains of coming up with your own blog engine that should really benefit all of us, who cannot settle for anything. It's a proposal for a basic HTML layout that tries to make the less arbitrary decisions possible, and remains open for multiple kinds of themes, which are implemented using only CSS. There are already some themes there, but there could be much more.

Because it is fixed, people can change themes by just changing a CSS link; because it is easy to implement on every blog engine, people can move from Jekyll to less famous engines and keep their themes; because it has no classes, no one has to fight on what should be the class names; because Flexbox and Grid exists, almost every theme can be implemented in it.

What do you think?

dbriemann commented 6 years ago

Thanks for your suggestion @fiatjaf. I agree about the difficulty to create / offer enough themes to be attractive. I have read your docs on Classless and it seems like a great way to ease this problem. However it forces the user into a specific kind of HTML structure which I don't want for Glyph. If I understood that wrong please tell me.

E.g. if someone has the idea to use Glyph to make a single-site portfolio design where issues are projects then he can do it. Even though it is a totally different usecase from a blog.

I know this also has drawbacks (see theme problem) but we cannot serve everyone. I also considered using Hugo compatible theming in the beginning but I just don't like the Go standard library template system und sometimes you just have to do things differently. :)

fiatjaf commented 6 years ago

Oh, but you already have a theming/layouting engine in place, I wasn't suggesting that you eliminated it, just that we added support to classless also. It could be just a directory under themes/classless.

dbriemann commented 6 years ago

Ok fair enough! I decided to have a deeper look at Classless and see if it is easy to integrate and doesn't add to much complexity to config files etc.

I will keep this issue open to update with insights I gathered and with possible implementation progress.