Closed KamilTheDev closed 4 months ago
Firstly, NaughtyAttributes uses the old IMGUI only, ensure you have: Player Settings
- Editor
- Use IMGUI Default Inspector
checked. And restart your unity (IMPORTANT!).
Now, check if things work correctly. If things are broken, check that thing, it's been drawn by another drawer.
If meta attributes still broken, create these:
attribute decorator:
using UnityEngine;
public class MyAttribute : PropertyAttribute
MonoBehaviour, and attach to some gameObject
using UnityEngine;
public class MyMono : MonoBehaviour
[MyAttribute] public string myField;
Now, create the drawer, under an Editor
folder. (create an asmdef if you use asmdef to manage your project)::
using System;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class MyAttributeDrawer : PropertyDrawer
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
throw new Exception("IMGUI");
public override float GetPropertyHeight(SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label)
return 20;
public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property)
return new TextElement
text = "I'm drew by something else!",
If you see "I'm drew by something else!", then UI Toolkit is still the default drawer or NaughtyAttributes is not enabled at all. You need to dig more. You can comment out CreatePropertyGUI
to see if there are more useful info.
If you see the error like this:
Exception: IMGUI
SomeThing.OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/Editor/SomeThingcs:196)
UnityEditor.UIElements.InspectorElement+<>c__DisplayClass71_0.<CreateIMGUIInspectorFromEditor>b__0 () (at <a62328349c154758b537cb55981f61df>:0)
This SomeThing
is what blocks your NaughtyAttributes.
BTW, NaughtyAttributes have not been maintained for years and never support UI Toolkit. I'd suggest some other alternatives:
to use Layout (which is similar to NaughtyAttributes' BoxGroup
). Most things can work together with NaughtyAttributes etc.For anyone in the future, the issue was from Quibli, a toon shader that also contains custom editor features.
Here's a useful script to find out which asset may be causing issues with editor:
I've switched to using SaintsField since there's an easy fix without needing to modify the Quibli asset.
I'm working on a large project in Unity 2022.3.27f1 that contains a lot of different assets/packages imported. I added NaughtyAttributes today from asset store, but most of the custom attributes have no effect on the inspector view. I don't have anything added for the purpose of custom editor features.
Specifically I want to use
right now, which have no effect on the inspector.I created a brand new project and added NaughtyAttributes the same way, all the features are working.
I tried slowly adding back all the imported assets + Editor folder to the new project, but NaughtyAttributes still works, maybe I missed something. Is there any other way to try figure it out?