dbs-leipzig / gradoop

Distributed Temporal Graph Analytics with Apache Flink
Apache License 2.0
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Add Min/Max/Avg graph degree aggregation (static and temporal) #1559

Open ChrizZz110 opened 2 years ago

ChrizZz110 commented 2 years ago

STATIC A graph aggregation function that calculates the min/max/avg degree of a logical graph. The aggregates are added as properties to the graph head. Each aggregate results in one scalar value.

TEMPORAL A graph to value operator that calculates the min/max/avg degree of all vertices of a temporal graph. The result is a dataset of Tuple3<Long,Long,Double (Avg) / Int (Min/Max)> where the tuple positions represent the following:

  1. the interval start
  2. the interval end
  3. the aggregated value for that interval