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Fix question bug #41

Closed joelkperkins closed 6 years ago

joelkperkins commented 6 years ago

Object Shape:

{ "userId": "5de2650a-42e1-4ac7-a11b-2e17ac84028f", "issues": { "f58fc13c-cb4d-4011-bf26-9fbd5eaef3b2": null, "70df714e-8566-4265-abe5-266d5a2004a9": null, "580600c8-c633-476b-98d2-9676c70c177d": null, "7d9dc278-a6dc-4701-8b23-448ae3000cbb": null, "0755baa6-1b5f-49c2-918a-457f1e16fe1c": null, "fd054069-2079-4f99-bb1c-6973eef5f3bf": null }, "questions": { "6b2fcb11-9be1-4ac4-900d-8847ef72bfd2": { "issueId": "f58fc13c-cb4d-4011-bf26-9fbd5eaef3b2", "questionText": "The government should prioritize treatment over incarceration for non-violent drug offenders.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "8effeea4-3ca6-4719-83d8-67ba6c584bd5": { "issueId": "f58fc13c-cb4d-4011-bf26-9fbd5eaef3b2", "questionText": "Welfare recipients should undergo mandatory drug testing.", "position": "con", "agree": null }, "2622d588-145a-42ed-b79a-4d2411bc9faa": { "issueId": "f58fc13c-cb4d-4011-bf26-9fbd5eaef3b2", "questionText": "Marijuana should be legalized at the federal level.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "7f14bb9c-bf78-484c-a5a4-da58cc5bdf5a": { "issueId": "70df714e-8566-4265-abe5-266d5a2004a9", "questionText": "Private gun sales and sales at gun shows should be subject to background checks.", "position": "con", "agree": null }, "de193c9d-6494-4afd-b1bb-e6d314938f79": { "issueId": "70df714e-8566-4265-abe5-266d5a2004a9", "questionText": "People on the \"no-fly list\" should still be allowed to purchase firearms and ammunition.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "04bbd11f-4c21-4a1d-912c-e2bb6f94126c": { "issueId": "70df714e-8566-4265-abe5-266d5a2004a9", "questionText": "Assault-style firearms should be NOT banned in the United States.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "e4877ec9-87ea-4825-a73e-64bd87f2b253": { "issueId": "580600c8-c633-476b-98d2-9676c70c177d", "questionText": "Stricter environment laws and regulations are worth the cost..", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "27c5e09b-2af2-45ce-bd68-f31dc266818f": { "issueId": "580600c8-c633-476b-98d2-9676c70c177d", "questionText": "Our country should do whatever it takes to protect the environment.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "cc197ca0-ebd9-47a2-8dfc-d5d58c4e88dc": { "issueId": "580600c8-c633-476b-98d2-9676c70c177d", "questionText": "The government should give subsidies and tax credits to win and solar power companies.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "7d2144fc-225b-4e5c-9d56-a0ecd4bbf8a0": { "issueId": "7d9dc278-a6dc-4701-8b23-448ae3000cbb", "questionText": "I view legislation enacted by our current administration favorably.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "6560b1f6-a54d-4630-9542-5d322a6ee2bc": { "issueId": "7d9dc278-a6dc-4701-8b23-448ae3000cbb", "questionText": "I have a positive view of corporations who have given money to our incumbent president.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "57f319c9-9cd0-4cb6-8bf3-4ec73588da4d": { "issueId": "7d9dc278-a6dc-4701-8b23-448ae3000cbb", "questionText": "America First is a winning philosophy for our country.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "ce218443-83b3-4720-9968-57f593ef449c": { "issueId": "0755baa6-1b5f-49c2-918a-457f1e16fe1c", "questionText": "Our country has made the changes needed to give minority citizens equal rights with whites.", "position": "con", "agree": null }, "d443d6af-e2f6-4561-9aa6-9dfec00ba432": { "issueId": "0755baa6-1b5f-49c2-918a-457f1e16fe1c", "questionText": "Corporations should make both gender and ethnic diversity a priority in their hiring practices.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "06d03f97-da70-4a4a-ade2-7f3860607de8": { "issueId": "0755baa6-1b5f-49c2-918a-457f1e16fe1c", "questionText": "Gender identity should be added to existing anti-discrimination laws.", "position": "pro", "agree": null }, "2ab5ddd8-b05e-4999-b2c3-39ee670906c2": { "issueId": "fd054069-2079-4f99-bb1c-6973eef5f3bf", "questionText": "The U.S. government should build a wall along the southern border with Mexico.", "position": "con", "agree": null }, "45f43738-1908-4591-acca-5cf4356d9847": { "issueId": "fd054069-2079-4f99-bb1c-6973eef5f3bf", "questionText": "The growing number of newcomers from other countries threatens traditional American customs and values.", "position": "con", "agree": null }, "40a90216-0ca8-4ea0-a94f-cd1cd77d2a3f": { "issueId": "fd054069-2079-4f99-bb1c-6973eef5f3bf", "questionText": "Sanctuary cities should not receive federal funding.", "position": "con", "agree": null } }, }