dbsrgits / sql-translator

SQL::Translator (SQLFairy)
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Use something other than YAML #170

Open robrwo opened 11 months ago

robrwo commented 11 months ago

YAML 1.31 recommends using something else, such as YAML::PP.

I have experimented with switching to YAML::PP and YAML::Tiny but the tests fail to subtle differences in serialisation. Notably, some numbers are turned into strings, e.g. version: \'1.64\' instead of version: 1.64.

In experiments YAML::Tiny seems to work better as it preserves decimal places, e.g. 0.00 is not turned into 0.

(On closer inspection, YAML::Tiny does not support all of the required features.)

robrwo commented 11 months ago

I'm unsure if using an XS module or one that uses an external library like YAML::Syck is appropriate.

rabbiveesh commented 11 months ago

I don't think i'd want to make an XS module a mandatory dep, though i'd be happy for it to be an optional one that's loaded if available.