a few changes in colab 3d and rhino mudules have been made by @eleniv3d and me during the course
in colab3d : added two arguments to the display_mesh() function called for now significant_digits = 2 and welded = False. (Those being the default values) If you specify welded = True, you would display_faces_welded() and then you can easily have more than 200K faces. In any case both arguments only change the display and not the mesh you export.
in rhino_module: added a return to display_mesh() and display_faces(), this way it can work fo both rhino and grasshopper
in utils_grid, added try and exception when it imports numpy
in mesh_factory: fixed the bug caused by integer subdivision in ironpython.
a few changes in colab 3d and rhino mudules have been made by @eleniv3d and me during the course
in colab3d : added two arguments to the display_mesh() function called for now significant_digits = 2 and welded = False. (Those being the default values) If you specify welded = True, you would display_faces_welded() and then you can easily have more than 200K faces. In any case both arguments only change the display and not the mesh you export.
in rhino_module: added a return to display_mesh() and display_faces(), this way it can work fo both rhino and grasshopper
in utils_grid, added try and exception when it imports numpy
in mesh_factory: fixed the bug caused by integer subdivision in ironpython.
in rhino_module: added draw ngon mesh in rhino