When the label gets added to a PR, all core tests gets skipped
Suggested Tests
Manually tests you can skip tests.
Ensure you test the tests are skipped during merge as well.
Impact to Other Teams
Will backports be required?
We need to be able to skip core tests when we're changing something like dependency pins. Since we share pins between the two repos this would make it easier to resolve the multiple PRs.
Short description
Using the
Skip Core Testing
label does not trigger the tests to get skipped in [ci_dbt_core_testing.yml](https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-common/blob/main/.github/workflows/ci_dbt_core_testing.yml(Acceptance criteria
When the label gets added to a PR, all core tests gets skipped
Suggested Tests
Manually tests you can skip tests.
Ensure you test the tests are skipped during merge as well.
Impact to Other Teams
Will backports be required?
We need to be able to skip core tests when we're changing something like dependency pins. Since we share pins between the two repos this would make it easier to resolve the multiple PRs.