dbt-labs / dbt-core

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Add --empty flag value to context `flags.EMPTY` #10317

Closed MichelleArk closed 1 week ago

MichelleArk commented 1 week ago


Short description

We are missing the --empty flag value from the jinja context flags, making it tricky to overwrite the ref macro in a way that incorporates the value of --empty

Reported in community slack: https://getdbt.slack.com/archives/C2JRRQDTL/p1718298268904749?thread_ts=1718044905.163699&cid=C2JRRQDTL

Acceptance criteria

flags.EMPTY exists in jinja!

Suggested Tests

  1. Add unit tests :)

Impact to Other Teams


Will backports be required?



No response

FishtownBuildBot commented 1 week ago

Opened a new issue in dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com: https://github.com/dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com/issues/5664