dbt-labs / dbt-core

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[Feature] Always raise warnings in every invocation, even if partial parsing is used #10323

Open mwstanleyft opened 1 week ago

mwstanleyft commented 1 week ago

Is this your first time submitting a feature request?

Describe the feature

dbt sometimes raises warnings at parse time, such as tests that reference missing relations, or model configuration nodes in dbt_project.yml that refer to folders that do not exist.

On subsequent invocations, if parsing steps are skipped because partial parsing is used, then these warnings aren't re-raised, which gives the false impression that the condition that caused the warning has been resolved, when in fact the warning condition still exists.

dbt should raise parsing-related warnings on all invocations even if partial parsing means that parsing was skipped.

Describe alternatives you've considered

No response

Who will this benefit?

Anyone who encounters a parsing-related warning in dbt and is confused about why the warning message is inconsistent (see for example https://getdbt.slack.com/archives/CBSQTAPLG/p1718056852222639)

Are you interested in contributing this feature?


Anything else?

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