dbt-labs / dbt-core

dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform their data using the same practices that software engineers use to build applications.
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[Feature] Support `cumulative_type_params` in semantic manifest #10360

Open courtneyholcomb opened 3 days ago

courtneyholcomb commented 3 days ago

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Describe the feature

DSI has recently moved fields related to cumulative metrics from the type_params field to type_params.cumulative_type_params. This creates better organization in the metric spec, and also includes a new field called type_params.cumulative_type_params.period_agg which is used to re-aggregate cumulative metrics for non-default granularities. Add support for this field in core.

Describe alternatives you've considered

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Who will this benefit?

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Are you interested in contributing this feature?

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Anything else?

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