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Have a page that outlines available flags and subcommands #4206

Open mirnawong1 opened 11 months ago

mirnawong1 commented 11 months ago


What page(s) or areas on docs.getdbt.com are affected?

We don’t have a clear docs page/section outlining the available flags and which dbt command they can use.

this seems to be a pretty important gap not covered in the docs.

What changes are you suggesting?

Having a table that lists all of the flags and sub commands, what commands those flags are compatible with, and which editing tool supports those flags.

Additional information


dbeatty10 commented 8 months ago

This would be easiest to maintain if there were some process that autogenerates the page(s) with the flags + sub commands.

Here is a script that uses click to determine which CLI flags (and environment variables) are relevant to each sub-command.

dbeatty10 commented 6 months ago

@aranke and I discussed this issue today while exploring options for https://github.com/dbt-labs/dbt-core/issues/9575.




Here's a pairing of scripts that produces that markdown table:

python generate_cli_flags_artifact.py
python generate_markdown.py > pivot_table.md

generate_cli_flags_artifact.py is from here.


import pandas as pd
import json

def list_to_pd(result_list):
    return pd.DataFrame(result_list)

def extract_commands_and_params(filename):
    with open(filename, "r") as file:
        data = json.load(file)

    commands_list = []
    parent_command = "dbt"

    if data.get("command") and data["command"].get("commands"):
        add_subcommands(data["command"]["commands"], parent_command, commands_list)

    return commands_list

def add_subcommands(commands, parent_command="dbt", commands_list=[]):

    # base case
    if not commands:

    for command_name, command_info in commands.items():

        full_command_name = f"{parent_command} {command_name}"

        if command_info["params"]:
            for param in command_info["params"]:
                flag_name = f"{param['name']}"
                commands_list.append({"subcommand": full_command_name, "option": flag_name})
            # If there are no params, still add the command with an empty option
            commands_list.append({"subcommand": full_command_name, "option": ""})

        # recursively explore any sub-commands
        if command_info.get("commands"):
            add_subcommands(command_info["commands"], full_command_name, commands_list)

def main():

    # Assuming the JSON data is stored in a file named dbt-core-cli-flags.json
    filename = "dbt-core-cli-flags.json"
    click_options = extract_commands_and_params(filename)
    result_df = list_to_pd(click_options)

    # Represents the presence of a pair with the value 1
    result_df["count"] = 1

    # Create a pivot table
    table = pd.pivot_table(

    # Convert 1's and 0's to applicable icons
    table.replace(to_replace=1, value="✅", inplace=True)
    table.replace(to_replace=0, value="", inplace=True)

    # Export to Markdown

if __name__ == "__main__":
dbeatty10 commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com/pull/4814 resolved https://github.com/dbt-labs/docs.getdbt.com/issues/2894 and added the big table of available flags (global configs).

But there are still non-global CLI flag / environment variable combos that aren't documented. One example is --empty / DBT_EMPTY which is only available for compile, run, and build.