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Recipe for write-audit-publish / blue-green deploy #4648

Open dbeatty10 opened 6 months ago

dbeatty10 commented 6 months ago

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We talked about blue/green deployments in this Developer Blog post:

But we haven't (yet!) provided some hands-on recipes for blue/green deployments that utilize dbt clone; we just linked here instead.

Link to an initial outline.

Wanna run your data tests before exposing your models to downstream consumers?

Then a blue/green deploy (also known as the write-audit-publish paradigm) is what you are looking for, and dbt clone is one way to accomplish it.

A blue/green deployment using dbt clone can build your models in a "blue" environment, run the data tests against it, and then surface the output in a "green" environment.


See below for some (rough) recipes we can play around with which are all variants on a similar theme.

Basically, we can use a regular dbt build that targets a (stand-alone and immutable) staging environment, and then use dbt clone to update production references to point back to it.

I don't know which is "best" -- these are just a handful of different approaches that I've tried with toy projects. They would need to more fully assessed and put through their paces before applying to production workloads.

Recipe 1

This recipe assumes that the name of your target directory appears within clean-targets. The --full-refresh is crucial to overwrite any pre-existing objects in the green environment.

dbt clean
dbt build --target blue && \
cp target/manifest.json . && \
dbt clone --target green --state . --full-refresh

Recipe 2

Second verse, similar to the first. Only real change is using an entire folder for storing the state and using a different method to clean out that state directory in between executions.

rm -rf state-blue || true
dbt build --target blue && \
cp -r target state-blue && \
dbt clone --target green --state state-blue --full-refresh

Recipe 3

Largely cosmetic change that just switches the order of some of the commands.

dbt build --target blue && \
rm -rf state-blue || true && \
cp -rf target state-blue && \
dbt clone --target green --state state-blue --full-refresh

Recipe 4

This time we've included a helpful error message when any of the data tests don't pass (or the build fails for some other reason). Also experiments with alternative bash syntax for forcing a successful command, no matter what.

dbt build --target blue || { echo "Halting due to failed build"; false; } && \
{ rm -rf state-blue; true; } && \
cp -r target state-blue && \
dbt clone --target green --state state-blue --full-refresh

Project files

The models act as the initial "Write".


{{ config(materialized="table") }}

    null as id,
    {{ dbt.string_literal(target.type) }} as target_type,
    {{ dbt.string_literal(this.schema) }} as this_schema,
    {{ dbt.string_literal(this.name) }} as this_name


{{ config(materialized="view") }}

    {{ dbt.string_literal(target.type) }} as target_type,
    {{ dbt.string_literal(this.schema) }} as this_schema,
    {{ dbt.string_literal(this.name) }} as this_name

from {{ ref("table_1") }}


{{ config(materialized="view", schema="my_custom_schema") }}

    {{ dbt.string_literal(target.type) }} as target_type,
    {{ dbt.string_literal(this.schema) }} as this_schema,
    {{ dbt.string_literal(this.name) }} as this_name

from {{ ref("view_1") }}

The data tests act as the "Audit".


  - name: table_1
      - name: id
          - not_null

The "Publish" piece is purely through the dbt clone command (which uses the target definition in profiles.yml).


  target: blue

      type: postgres
      dbname: 'postgres'
      host: 'localhost'
      port: 5432
      schema: dbt_blue_{{ modules.datetime.datetime.now().timestamp() | int }}

      type: postgres
      dbname: 'postgres'
      host: 'localhost'
      port: 5432
      schema: dbt_green

And generating the relevant database object names is via a custom generate_schema_name macro (and supporting macros).


{% macro check_if_production() -%}
    {%- set is_production = target.name == 'green' -%}
    {% do return(is_production) %}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro generate_schema_name(custom_schema_name, node) -%}
    {%- set default_schema = target.schema -%}

    {%- if custom_schema_name is none -%}
        {{ generate_schema_name_not_custom(custom_schema_name, node, default_schema) }}
    {%- else -%}
        {{ generate_schema_name_custom(custom_schema_name, node, default_schema) }}
    {%- endif -%}

{%- endmacro %}

{% macro generate_schema_name_not_custom(custom_schema_name, node, default_schema) -%}
    {{ default_schema }}
{%- endmacro %}

{% macro generate_schema_name_custom(custom_schema_name, node, default_schema) -%}
    {%- set is_production = check_if_production() -%}

    {%- if is_production -%}
        {{ custom_schema_name | trim }}
    {%- else -%}
        {{ default_schema }}_{{ custom_schema_name | trim }}
    {%- endif -%}

{%- endmacro %}

Outstanding Problems


The general pattern has probably been practiced in various forms for longer than we'll ever know. But it's been popularized in the collective consciousness under the monikers "blue/green" and "W.A.P.".

Blue/green deployments



Gilding the lily

Someone with the last name name Blue that was an adherent of WAP at Netflix:

bbrewington commented 6 months ago

This is awesome! Look forward to referencing the post once it's written, audited, and published

Would be cool to include how to do this with both dbt Core & Cloud. Which might involve explaining all the different places target.name and env_var('DBT_TARGET') can be defined in Cloud - and if it makes sense to split this out as a separate post or docs page, glad to write it up!

Locations resolving to env_var('DBT_TARGET')

Locations resolving to target.name

dbeatty10 commented 6 months ago

This is awesome! Look forward to referencing the post once it's written, audited, and published

See what you did there ❤️

Your cross-walk for places to define target.name and env_var('DBT_TARGET') is golden 🤩

segoldma commented 2 months ago

Curious if there is a preferred way to do this in dbt cloud: