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Add sqlfluff support to cloud cli doc #5715

Open mirnawong1 opened 5 days ago

mirnawong1 commented 5 days ago


Link to the page on docs.getdbt.com requiring updates

The dbt Cloud CLI now supports sqlfluff and we should add this to the docs for users so they don't install the templater and so we avoid user confusion.

This was raised by Tania in the internal slack: https://dbt-labs.slack.com/archives/C06FWKP5V28/p1719903106508059

Things to add:

Available sqlfluff flags/commands in cloud cli:

➜  jaffle-shop git:(mwong-test-cli) ✗ dbt sqlfluff -h
SQLFluff is a modular SQL linter for humans.

  dbt sqlfluff [command]

Available Commands:
  fix         Fix SQL files.
  format      Autoformat SQL files.
  lint        Lint SQL files via passing a list of files or using stdin.

  -h, --help   help for sqlfluff

Global Flags:
      --log-format LogFormat   The log format, either json or plain. (default plain)
      --log-level LogLevel     The log level, one of debug, info, warning, error or fatal. (default info)
      --no-color               Disables colorization of the output.
  -q, --quiet                  Suppress all non-error logging to stdout.

Use "dbt sqlfluff [command] --help" for more information about a command.

What part(s) of the page would you like to see updated?

Proposed place: https://docs.getdbt.com/docs/cloud/configure-cloud-cli#use-the-dbt-cloud-cli

Additional information

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