I ran into errors when trying to use meltano (as a first-time meltano user) in the Codespaces tutorial. The messages were helpful and told me what to do, but they could have been avoided altogether.
I believe that by adding these two lines to the README, it will create a smoother onboarding experience and overall user experience for new users, with less burden on the user to parse errors and take extra steps.
@leoebfolsom ➜ /workspaces/jaffle-shop-template-leo (main) $ meltano run tap-jaffle-shop target-duckdb
2023-05-27T04:37:19.489801Z [info ] Environment 'dev' is active
2023-05-27T04:37:22.502622Z [error ] Cannot start plugin tap-jaffle-shop: Executable 'tap-jaffle-shop' could not be found. Extractor 'tap-jaffle-shop' may not have been installed yet using `meltano install extractor tap-jaffle-shop`, or the executable name may be incorrect.
2023-05-27T04:37:22.504056Z [error ] Block run completed. block_type=ExtractLoadBlocks err=RunnerError("Cannot start plugin tap-jaffle-shop: Executable 'tap-jaffle-shop' could not be found. Extractor 'tap-jaffle-shop' may not have been installed yet using `meltano install extractor tap-jaffle-shop`, or the executable name may be incorrect.") exit_codes={} set_number=0 success=False
Need help fixing this problem? Visit http://melta.no/ for troubleshooting steps, or to
join our friendly Slack community.
Run invocation could not be completed as block failed: Cannot start plugin tap-jaffle-shop: Executable 'tap-jaffle-shop' could not be found. Extractor 'tap-jaffle-shop' may not have been installed yet using `meltano install extractor tap-jaffle-shop`, or the executable name may be incorrect.
@leoebfolsom ➜ /workspaces/jaffle-shop-template-leo (main) $ meltano install extractor tap-jaffle-shop
Installing 1 plugins...
Installing extractor 'tap-jaffle-shop'...
Installed extractor 'tap-jaffle-shop'
@leoebfolsom ➜ /workspaces/jaffle-shop-template-leo (main) $ meltano run tap-jaffle-shop target-duckdb
2023-05-27T04:38:33.127981Z [info ] Environment 'dev' is active
2023-05-27T04:38:49.394330Z [error ] Cannot start plugin target-duckdb: Executable 'target-duckdb' could not be found. Loader 'target-duckdb' may not have been installed yet using `meltano install loader target-duckdb`, or the executable name may be incorrect.
2023-05-27T04:38:49.395792Z [error ] Block run completed. block_type=ExtractLoadBlocks err=RunnerError("Cannot start plugin target-duckdb: Executable 'target-duckdb' could not be found. Loader 'target-duckdb' may not have been installed yet using `meltano install loader target-duckdb`, or the executable name may be incorrect.") exit_codes={} set_number=0 success=False
Need help fixing this problem? Visit http://melta.no/ for troubleshooting steps, or to
join our friendly Slack community.
Run invocation could not be completed as block failed: Cannot start plugin target-duckdb: Executable 'target-duckdb' could not be found. Loader 'target-duckdb' may not have been installed yet using `meltano install loader target-duckdb`, or the executable name may be incorrect.
@leoebfolsom ➜ /workspaces/jaffle-shop-template-leo (main) $ meltano install loader target-duckdb
Installing 1 plugins...
Installing loader 'target-duckdb'...
Installed loader 'target-duckdb'
@leoebfolsom ➜ /workspaces/jaffle-shop-template-leo (main) $ meltano run tap-jaffle-shop target-duckdb
2023-05-27T04:39:46.828155Z [info ] Environment 'dev' is active
[SIM]: 100%|██████████| 730/730 [00:10<00:00, 69.59it/s] cmd_type=elb consumer=False name=tap-jaffle-shop producer=True stdio=stderr string_id=tap-jaffle-shop
2023-05-27T04:40:02.059055Z [info ] 2023-05-27 04:40:02,058 | INFO | tap-jaffle-shop | Beginning full_table sync of 'jaffle_raw-raw_customers'... cmd_type=elb consumer=False name=tap-jaffle-shop producer=True stdio=stderr string_id=tap-jaffle-shop
2023-05-27T04:40:02.060361Z [info ] 2023-05-27 04:40:02,058 | INFO | tap-jaffle-shop | Tap has custom mapper. Using 1 provided map(s). cmd_type=elb consumer=False name=tap-jaffle-shop producer=True stdio=stderr string_id=tap-jaffle-shop
I ran into errors when trying to use meltano (as a first-time meltano user) in the Codespaces tutorial. The messages were helpful and told me what to do, but they could have been avoided altogether.
I believe that by adding these two lines to the README, it will create a smoother onboarding experience and overall user experience for new users, with less burden on the user to parse errors and take extra steps.