Closed LaZsolt closed 1 year ago
Oh I see, thanks, I'll implement a fix soon.
Hey @LaZsolt, do you have an oscilloscope at hand and could confirm your suggestions? I don't have my LGT boards at the moment and can't test this. If you do, I'll highly appreciate the help, then I'll make a release with the fix.
Thank you for the issue anyway in case you can't :)
I do not have an oscilloscope. I will try it with a transistor-amplified speaker. I'll set the PWM frequency to a sound frequency.
Thanks! I just remembered I made this lgt oscilloscope app:
I took a look at the datasheets and it is clear you are correct, so I will merge this fix. There is one thing I am not sure about: Pin E4 in Timer0. This one doesn't require touching the PMX0 register, so I think it shouldn't require preparation with 1 on WCE. Do you know if this is correct?
There is one thing I am not sure about: Pin E4 in Timer0. This one doesn't require touching the PMX0 register, so I think it shouldn't require preparation with 1 on WCE. Do you know if this is correct?
Yes it will work after reset...
But a minute later it occured to me to ensure the right settings the zero value bit must be written too not only the one value bit.
Not sure I'm following
Timer 0 compare A output pin mux test works fine:
// Timer 0 output mux test
#include "wiring_private.h"
void setup() {
delay(10000); // Wait 10 seconds after reset for reprogramming
TCCR0A = 1 << COM0A0;
DDRC = 1 << DDC0;
DDRD = 1 << DDD6;
DDRE = 1 << DDE4;
OCR0A = 125;
} // end setup()
void loop() {
unsigned char tmp;
// 1. alternative output E4
TCCR0B = 1 << OC0AS | 1 << CS02 | 0 << CS01 | 0 << CS00;
tmp = PMX0 & ~(1 << C0AC0); // Save SSOP20 alternative outputs for SS, TXD, RXD
PMX0 = 1 << WCE;
PMX0 = tmp;
// 2. alternative output C0
TCCR0B = 0 << OC0AS | 1 << CS02 | 0 << CS01 | 0 << CS00;
tmp = PMX0 | (1 << C0AC0); // Save SSOP20 alternative outputs for SS, TXD, RXD
PMX0 = 1 << WCE;
PMX0 = tmp;
} // end loop()
void waitasecond(void) {
uint16_t n=1000;
while (n-->0) delayMicroseconds(1000);
Hi David!
Today I finished testing the outputs change functionality for all timer compare outputs. I learned a lot about how counters work. Without your web timers webpage it is 1000 times more difficult to use these timer functions.
When I tested timer 3 A output, I noticed some minor bug. (The timer 3 output A tester program is at the end of this comment.) On the picture below, you can see the A ouput pin number in the red circle is incorrect. In the LQFP48 package the correct pin number is 15. This pin the output of Analog Comparator and alternatively Timer 3 Compare Output (ACOP/OC3A). In the LQFP32 package (and in SSOP20) this pin and port D6 output connected together to pin 10 (SSOP20 pin 9).
So it must not be set DDD6 bit. Tested. (Marked with green frame.) Click to enlarge.
// Timer 3 output mux test
void setup() {
Serial.println(F("Timer 3 output F1(D1) - (D6) OC3A test."));
delay(10000); // Wait 10 seconds after reset for reprogramming
TCCR3A = (1 << COM2A0);
TCCR3B = (0 << CS32) | (0 << CS31) | (1 << CS30);
OCR3A = 27900;
} // end setup()
void loop() {
unsigned char tmp0,tmp1;
// Default output F1 ( = D1 = RXD ) LQFP32
tmp0 = PMX0 | (1 << TXD6); // Save SSOP20 alternative outputs for SS, RXD --- TXD pin redirect to D6
tmp1 = PMX1 & ~(1 << C3AC);
PMX0 = 1 << WCE;
PMX0 = tmp0;
PMX0 = 1 << WCE;
PMX1 = tmp1;
DDRF = (1 << DDF1);
// Alternative output ( D6 ) = ACOP/OC3A LQFP32
DDRF = 0;
tmp0 = PMX0 & ~(1 << TXD6); // Save SSOP20 alternative outputs for SS, RXD --- TXD pin restore to D1
tmp1 = PMX1 | (1 << C3AC);
PMX0 = 1 << WCE;
PMX0 = tmp0;
PMX0 = 1 << WCE;
PMX1 = tmp1;
} // end loop()
void waitasecond(void) {
uint16_t n=1000;
while (n-->0) delayMicroseconds(1000);
Wow! Awesome, thanks for the comprehensive testing!
It is indeed super hard to learn all the lgt timer details (and even those of the way simpler atmega to be honest), that's why I made this. And yes, I learned a lot myself by programming this, but even more by using it!
I don't know if you saw it, but the way it works is not by me programming each possible configuration. Instead of that, I grabbed all tables from the datasheets and put all the info in these tables (there's one per timer, per microcontroller). I added extra columns for actual behaviour too, and then a constraint solver finds which behaviour is determined by all the registers.
All of this means that I didn't quite knew what all meant until I could click around myself. I'm super happy about this project :)
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! :)
Look, I already had an entry for that output and I probably didn't even realise I wasn't using it. It's also written wrongly (a zero instead of the letter o).
I assume it needs the WDR bit too as it is inside PMX1 (and you have it in your code)
This should be fixed now:
Look, I already had an entry for that output and I probably didn't even realise I wasn't using it. It's also written wrongly (a zero instead of the letter o).
Sorry to bother you again, but I noticed that that letter o is acually zero. I found in the translated english databook every ACOP, in the chinese text is AC0P. Analog Comparatorzero Positive input. (The other comparator input is AC1N. Analog Comparatorone Negtive input.)
Ohhh, that was the timer number! I'll fix it, thanks for letting me know.
You are sorry? No need I'm thankful for your feedback and insights
This should be fixed now. Deploy should take a minute. Thanks again for getting back with this 👍
After you (@dbuezas) mentioned your Arduino Web Timers App, I tested it with Firefox. The result is here:
Timer 1: I'm not tested, but in my opinion the correct program code would be:
Like setting of the clock prescaler register WCE meaning: update enable then update. PMX0/1update: Must write logic one to WCE. In the following 6 system clocks PMX0/1 update will be finished by writing the register.
Timer 2: In my opinion the correct program code would be:
Timer 0, no port switching code:
Timer 3 looks good code: